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How To Attend Our FREE Indie Author Fringe Online Conference

How To Attend our FREE Indie Author Fringe Online Conference

The virtual doors of our third Indie Author Fringe event open at 10am Frankfurt/9am London,  Saturday October 14th. Here’s how to attend and get the most out of our FREE Online Author Conference, and how to join in conversations with Sponsors and Speakers on the day.

How long is the Frankfurt Indie Author Fringe event?

  • Each Indie Author Fringe event is 24 hours long
  • We’ll release a new Speaker Session at least once an hour, and will continue doing that for 24 hours

How do I attend Indie Author Fringe?

  • Visit us here on this blog during our Indie Author Fringe event.

Indie Author Fringe

  • Each Speaker Session is a new blog post, and you can check in throughout the day to see the published sessions. The great thing about an online conference is that the content will be sessions will continue to be available on our blog after the event.
  • Speaker Sessions are a mix of articles, podcasts and videos.
  • And don't forget … it's FREE TO ATTEND, thanks to the support of our sponsors.
Are you ready for another 24hrs of FREE #IndieAuthor Fringe on Oct 14th? I am! bit.ly/H2Attend Share on X

How do I know when Sessions are available?

  • On the day of the event, we’re sending out agenda updates, providing a summary of the upcoming Speaker Session, just sign up here to receive these updates that will include the speaker, session topic and time the session goes live. Or visit our:

Frankfurt Indie Author Fringe Agenda page

How Can I ask the Speakers & Sponsors Questions?

  • Leave the speakers a comment on their session page.
  • Visit the Speaker and Sponsor Booth (aka: The Hot Seat) on the day to join in the conversation. Post your questions and comments, and swap ideas with other indie authors.

Visit the Hot Seat (Speaker and Sponsor Booth)

How do I enter the Speaker Giveaways?

  • Our giveaways will be part of the Speaker Sessions.
  • Just visit the speaker session after it’s been published to see whether the speaker is offering a giveaway, and enter for your chance to win. There’s lots of different ways to enter, and you can submit multiple entries for each and every giveaway.
  • You can enter the GIVEAWAYS up until Midnight Monday 16th (Frankfurt time)
  • Winners will be chosen at random via Rafflecopter, and the winners will be notified during the following week.

How do I take advantage of Sponsor’s Discounts & Giveaways?

Ingram Spark Promotional Offer for #IndieAuthorFringe Authority Authors Type and Tell Indie Author Fringe Sponsors

Want to Help us Spread the Word?

Let’s not keep all this self-publishing expertise to ourselves .. help us spread the word on your blogs and social media networks. Here’s how you can help…

If we haven’t answered your question about how to attend Indie Author Fringe …. leave us a comment below. We don’t want you to miss a thing!

Find out how to attend our FREE #IndieAuthorFringe Sat 14th #Selfpub bit.ly/H2Attend Share on X


This Post Has 11 Comments
  1. I’m signed up and want to attend live, but have no idea what to click to get there. Can someone please help me? I have attended these conferences before and have never had trouble knowing what to click to enter… but this time, no matter what I click I end up elsewhere. I am trying to listen to Joanna Penn’s interview but would also like to hear the next one about BookBub, so I am keen to find out what to do to get into these sessions live.

    Thank you for your help.


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