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5 Week Countdown To Indie Author Fringe

5 Week Countdown to Indie Author Fringe

Indie Author Fringe Header Image

Yes … it's Back! After a successful trio of Indie Author Events in 2016, we're bringing you our first online conference for 2017 in association with The London Book Fair.

You probably know the drill by know but just incase, here's what the ALLi Indie Author Fringe event is all about:

During a 24-hour period of non-stop videos, podcasts and articles, we feature an exciting lineup of self-publishing professionals and indie authors who have generously agreed to share their insights and expertise with us.

Visit our event homepage here.

Indie Author Fringe Speakers

Our London Book Fair Indie Author Fringe will focus on Writing and Producing your Book, and these sessions create a strong foundation for achieving your indie author goals. We've started to unveil the speaker lineup and you can check out who is scheduled to present one of our sessions:

View our Speaker Lineup

Indie Author Fringe Competition

We're also just announced the launch of our Book Description Competition. At each Indie Author Fringe event we host a different competition to help you hone your book marketing skills. This time around we want to showcase your Book Description copywriting finesse.

The competition is free to enter, and we'll be unveiling the prizes in a couple of weeks.

Submit your competition entry Here

Here's one of the sessions from our BookExpo America Indie Author Fringe Last year, that could help to give you the edge.

Be an Event Ambassador

Can you help us spread the word about our Indie Author Fringe event?

If you have a social media account (like Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest), or are able to host an article on your blog about our Fringe event, please visit our media page for more information.

Spread the Word about #IndieAuthorFringe page

We want as many author as possible to know about our event. Help us by sharing this event with your writing connections and communities.

#IndieAuthorFringe Event Speakers and Competition unveiled #selfpub Share on X

We'll keep you in the loop on all of our event planning and activities. Watch this space for Sponsor Discounts and Deals and Speaker Giveaways.


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