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#Audiblegate: ALLi Campaign Update

If you're a regular reader of this blog or a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), you'll be aware of the campaign called "Audiblegate". This post by ALLi Director Orna Ross explains the nature of that campaign, how it began, the latest developments--and why it matters to all authors and publishers.
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Should You Sell Your Audiobook Rights? #Audiblegate

This is the fourth in a series of posts about the campaign known to self-publishing authors as #AudibleGate. ALLi would like to extend thanks to Colleen Cross for this post and for her work with the Fair Deal for Rights Holders and Narrators pressure group. Colleen’s first post provided useful background information that sets the context for the second more detailed post about one particular earnings category read that here. Today we're looking at whether or not you should sell your audiobook rights.
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The Truth Behind Audible Subscription Earnings

This is the third in a series of posts about the campaign known to self-publishing authors as #AudibleGate. ALLi would like to extend thanks to Colleen Cross for this post and for her work with the Fair Deal for Rights Holders and Narrators pressure group. Colleen's first post provides useful background before reading this more detailed post about one earnings category in particular. Here is a link to that post. This is the shocking truth behind audible subscription earnings.
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How Audiobook Authors and Narrators are Paid by Audible-ACX. We think.

This is the second in a series of posts about the campaign known to self-publishing authors as #AudibleGate. ALLi would like to extend thanks to Colleen Cross for this post and for her work with the Fair Deal for Rights Holders and Narrators pressure group.If you haven't already, please sign the #Audiblegate petition here . We will keep you posted as the campaign develops. Now over to Colleen, to explain how audiobook authors and narrators are paid.
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Self-Publish Or Traditionally Publish

Should I Self-Publish or Traditionally Publish? Other Questions Answered by Orna Ross; Plus, News with Dan Holloway: Member Q&A & Self-Publishing News Podcast

Should I self-publish or traditionally publish? That's among the questions answered in this month's Members Q&A and Self-Publishing News Salon with Orna Ross, followed by Dan Holloway's news roundup.
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Ain’t I an Author? Why Self-publishing Changes Everything for Everyone in Publishing

Self-publishing is much more than an alternative route to market for authors, says Orna Ross, director of the Alliance of Independent Authors in her opinion post this month.  Drawing on two new reports about conditions for authors, she explores myths and misunderstandings about authorship that are relics from an age that's now over. And explains how self-publishing changes everything for everyone in publishing. 
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