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Twitter: Could Indie Publishing Exist Without It? Laurence O’Bryan And Ian Sutherland

Twitter: Could Indie Publishing Exist Without It? Laurence O’Bryan and Ian Sutherland

[sc:session-header] Laurence-OBryan-Dame-Street2016-bwian_sutherland-bw

Join two of Twitter's masters in this entertaining video discussion about how to use Twitter to maximum effect.

Laurence O'Bryan will show you how to become a Twitter influencer and drive more people to your books' storefronts, consistently attract up to 400 new followers every day, and free up more time to write by compressing your Twitter activity into 15 very effective minutes a day.

Ian Sutherland will tell you how to master Twitter so that you can balance the desire to be social on Twitter with your objective of exploiting the platform to promote and sell your books – without ever being called a spammer! From the author of the 5* guidebook “Advanced Twitter Strategies for Authors – Twitter techniques to help you sell your book – in under 15 minutes a day!”

#IAF16 Could Indie Publishing exist without #Twitter? @ianhsuth @lpobryan bit.ly/IAF172990 #selfpub Share on X

Click here to find out more about Laurence O'Bryan and Ian Sutherland


Ian is giving away a copy (winner's choice of ebook or paperback) of his popular book “Advanced Twitter Strategies for Authors” which reveals how to effectively exploit Twitter to market your books and systematically drive thousands of potential purchasers to your works on Amazon and other retailers.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Instead of  Rafflecopter giveaway, Laurence will tweet your book, or email sign up page, to over 124,982 Twitter followers on the Books Go Social Twitter account @YourNewBook.

Books Go Social IndieReCon 2015

Click the Image to submit your Tweet details

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    Author: Indie Author Fringe

    The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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