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Apple Books

Apple Books Cuts Jobs While Grammy Awards Prepare to Accept Entries That Use AI: Self-Publishing News with Dan Holloway

Apple has always felt like a strange player in the digital book market. They turned the music industry upside down with the iTunes Store, and when they introduced Apple Books, they might have thought they would do the same to the publishing industry. Kindle books had already made the major disruption, but the introduction of the iPad held out the promise of being the market-winning book replacement. But it wasn’t to be.
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Amazon’s KDP Identity Verification and NO FAKES Act Protect Creators: Self-Publishing News with Dan Holloway

You may remember that a few weeks ago, I commented on US legislators' enthusiasm for acronyms when I reported on the COPIED Act. Now they have outdone themselves with a piece of legislation with a similar intent. The NO FAKES Act aims to balance freedom of expression with protecting an individual's right to control how their distinguishing features, such as their voice and image, are used. As the title suggests, the primary purpose is to clamp down on deepfakes. That title stands, in typically verbally torturous fashion, for Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act.
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Paper Shortage

Paper Shortage, AI Audiobook Narration, and Brief OnlyFans Ban: What Do They All Mean for Indie Authors? Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway and Howard Lovy

There is a worldwide paper shortage just in time for the holiday book-buying season. How are indies coping? Also, artificial intelligence has come to audiobook narration, and what the brief OnlyFans adult-content ban means for indie authors. These are among the topics discussed on Self-Publishing News with Alli News Editor Dan Holloway and News and Podcast Producer Howard Lovy. 
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Subscription Services

Kindle Vella and the Rise of Subscription Services: Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway and Howard Lovy

In the news today, we'll talk about Amazon's new Kindle Vella serial subscription service and what this latest model means for indie authors. It's all part of our continuing coverage of the rise of the book subscription services and the opportunities and dangers they pose. We'll also talk about the London Book Fair's decision to go all virtual this year.
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