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In 2021, Self-Publishing Advice Podcasts Kept You Informed Of Many Changes In Indie Publishing

In 2021, Self-Publishing Advice Podcasts Kept You Informed Of Many Changes in Indie Publishing

From the rise of artificial intelligence and other new technologies to the changing nature of the indie publishing business, you've counted on the AskALLi Podcast in 2021 to keep you informed. You miss a week, you miss a lot. It has been a long year, and many great shows to choose from, but here are a few samples of what you listened to in 2021. And, of course, no matter what's happening in the world, you can count on us to come back with more self-publishing advice podcasts in 2022.

AskALLi Podcast 2021: Members’ Q&A with Orna Ross and Michael La Ronn

Answers to members’ current self-publishing queries, co-hosted with Partner Liaison and US Ambassador Michael La Ronn. All are welcome to listen and learn but only ALLi Members can submit questions.

Our Members Q&A Podcast is brought to you by specialist sponsor Kobo Writing Life, a global, independent ebook and audiobook publishing platform that empowers authors with a quick and easy publishing process and unique promotional opportunities. To reach a wide audience, create your account today! We'd like to thank Kobo for their support of this podcast.



How Do I Grow My Email List?

How do I grow my email list? Other questions include:

Other questions include:

  • I acquired the rights to my book from my publisher, but they won't take my books down from sale. What do I do?
  • If I upload my book to the British Library, does that violate Amazon's KDP Select Exclusivity clause?
  • What language should I use on my website for GDPR and privacy policies? Is there a boilerplate template somewhere?
  • How does Amazon count pre-orders? Does a pre-order count immediately or when your book goes live?

Do I Have to Blog To Be Successful At Writing

Do I have to blog to be successful at writing? Other questions include:

  • Should I traditionally publish my book?
  • Should I hire someone to manage my social media?
  • I’ve been approached by a legitimate traditional publisher! What do I do?
  • How can I stop people pirating my self-published books?
  • Is there a way to improve photo quality with IngramSpark?
  • I’m struggling to find readers for my book, should I use a traditional publisher?

What’s the Best Way to Include Photos in a Book?

What’s the best way to include photos in a book? Other questions include:

  • Do I need to get permission to quote work from a deceased celebrity?
  • How do I get my book into bookstores?
  • How can I be a lean marketer?
  • How can I maximize my income with the Amazon Associates program?

AskALLi Podcast 2021: Foundational Self-Publishing Advice Podcast with Orna Ross and Dan Parsons

Each month, this show explores a theme essential to self-publishers at all levels, particularly those just starting out, from the often differing perspectives of writing fiction or nonfiction.

Dartfrog BooksThis podcast is brought to you by specialist sponsor Dartfrog Books. ALLi Partner Member DartFrog Books provides indie authors with opportunities for bookstore placement and promotion to more than 27,000 book clubs. Their self-publishing, hybrid,  traditional, and single-service publishing platforms are designed to engage authors of all types, at every stage of their journey. We'd like to thank Dartfrog for their support of this podcast.

Lean Publishing for Beginner Authors

In this episode: lean publishing for beginner authors. If you’re an author who writes for pleasure, you can write for yourself but if you’re an indie author, you’re also a publisher, and so your book(s) must also please readers. Lean publishing is one way of achieving that, using social media or other methods to publish a book-in-progress and, based on reader feedback and digital metrics, improve its chances of success as you write. Join ALLi Director Orna Ross and Production Manager Dan Parsons as they discuss how authors can publish books, the lean way.

An Overview of the Writing Craft

Mastering the writing craft is a foundational skill for indie authors and, if you want to earn your living as an author and publisher of books, you have to master not just quality but productivity. In this Foundational Self-Publishing Advice Podcast, Orna Ross and Dan Parsons set up the basics that ensure your production process supports your writing craft.

Book Pre-Orders to Grow Your Author Business

Book pre-orders are not a new idea, but the rise of self-publishing and ebooks have changed the way they work. Seeing new opportunities, indies have built avid readerships, improved their read-through and even found new ways to hit coveted bestseller slots by using pre-orders. You may be panicked by the idea of a looming deadline or intimidated by the logistics of setting a book launch months in the future, but using pre-orders could give you an edge as a self-publishing author. In today’s #AskALLi Foundational Self-Publishing podcast, Orna Ross and Dan Parsons explain why pre-orders are important and discuss a few creative ways indies can capitalize on them to reach more readers and sell more books.

AskALLi Podcast 2021: Self-Publishing News with Dan Holloway and Howard Lovy

Tune in to our monthly Self-Publishing News podcast with ALLi News Editor Dan Holloway and book editor Howard Lovy. Together, they will bring you the latest in indie publishing news and commentary.

A Report from the Futurebook Conference; Spotify Buys Findaway in Audiobook Game-Changer

Dan Holloway reports from the Futurebook conference, and the future belongs to audio. Also, Spotify buys Findaway in a potential audiobook game-changer.

Inkitt Inks $39M Deal to Bring Books to Big Screen; ALLi Member Wins Kindle Storyteller Award

With the rise in streaming services, many authors have visions of their stories tapping in to the books-to-big-screen pipeline. So far, Wattpad has come through on this promise to take stories from young writers and sell them to services such as Netflix. Now, there’s another company, called Inkitt, and they just got a new round of investment to make that happen. Also, Amazon opens up new 4-Star brick-and-mortar stores and an ALLi author wins the Kindle Storyteller Award.

Paper Shortage, AI Audiobook Narration, and Brief OnlyFans Ban: What Do They All Mean for Indie Authors?

There is a worldwide paper shortage just in time for the holiday book-buying season. How are indies coping? Also, artificial intelligence has come to audiobook narration, and what the brief OnlyFans adult-content ban means for indie authors. These are among the topics discussed on Self-Publishing News with Alli News Editor Dan Holloway and News and Podcast Producer Howard Lovy.

Author: Howard Lovy

Howard Lovy is an author, book editor, and journalist. He is also the Content and Communications Manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors, where he hosts and produces podcasts and keeps the blog updated. You can find more of his work at https://howardlovy.com/


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