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Your Mindset Changes Everything

Your Mindset Changes Everything: Self-Publishing Conference Highlight

Join Becca Syme for a keynote presentation that will give you a comprehensive understanding of how mindset plays a foundational role in every aspect of an indie author's business, from the writing process to marketing, networking, and managing both successes and setbacks. Emphasizing the profound impact of mindset on productivity, creativity, and mental well-being, this session offers authors tangible strategies to cultivate a proactive attitude, to foster sustainable success for you and your books.
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ALLi’s Best Self-Publishing Advice Posts 2022 – General

We're on the last stretch of our annual round up of the best posts from 2022. The Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team's aim is to bring you the best, most comprehensive content on every aspect of the publishing journey. We want our content to be helpful and applicable no matter whether you're a beginner or an established author. Today, we're bringing you a selection of the best general indie author blogs from 2022. 
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3 Things Indie Authors Should Stop Saying

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me... a well known phrase, and yet we indies sometimes get caught up in all kinds of "they said" and "we should because." But should we? Did they? For every six figure indie who is in KU, there's another wide. For every indie in the romance genre there's another making it in a niche. So why do we keep saying nonsensical things? Today the Alliance of Independent Authors gives you the three things indies should stop saying.
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Alliance of Independent Authors Self-Publishing Review 2020

This year has been difficult for many of us across the globe and industry. The pandemic has caused disruption for families, businesses and creativity alike. As we draw close to the end of the year, the Alliance of Independent Authors team looks back at 2020, both the difficulties and the successes as well as what may come next. This is the Alliance of Independent Authors Self-Publishing Review 2020.
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How Authors Plan For Success Graphic

How Indie Authors Plan for Publishing Success: Producing, Processing & Promoting

A to-do list works as a planning method only for those writers who have third-party publishers (and other people whose job is straightforward and singular). If all you have to do today, tomorrow, and forever is get words done, drafted and delivered, then a list will serve you just fine. But indie authors are creative directors of an author-publishing business, a much more complex endeavor.
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Set Yourself up for Success in 2020 and Overcome Mindset Blocks

It's fair to say that at some point in your writing career you're going to experience doubt. There's something insidious in our brains that pops up just at the wrong time. Steven Pressfield calls it Resistance, others call it doubt, imposter syndrome, block. Whatever you refer to it as, I think we can all agree it exists. ALLi author member Alice Briggs is here to show you how to defeat the beast and set yourself up for success in 2020.
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