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The Ultimate Guide to Pitching for Independent Authors

Whether we like it or not, when we have something to sell, be it books, services or something else, then we are going to have to get our hands dirty and sell ourselves or our products. Pitching is something we can all be better at. Which is why today, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is talking all about how to pitch blogs, podcasts and traditional media.
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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Book Genre for Indie Authors

Understanding the genre you want to write in is one of the most important elements of being an author. It helps you craft books closer to what your readers want, it helps you be more marketable and hopefully sell more books. But what do you need to know and where do you go looking for that market information? Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team welcomes partner member Nat Connors from Kindletrends to explain how to understand your book genre. 
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The Ultimate Guide to SEO and Findability for Indie Authors

SEO is one of those acronyms that strikes fear into the heart of non-techy authors. We may know it stands for Search Engine Optimization and that it's key to our websites and books being found by readers but we may not have the first clue how to go about it, or even why it's important. And while there is a lot of advice for making straight how-to, non-fiction findable, literary writing poses particular challenges. This is the Alliance of Independent Authors no-coding required, Ultimate Guide to SEO and Findability for Indie Authors. Our thanks to Penny Sansevieri of Author Marketing Experts, Michele DeFilippo for contributions to this post.
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The Ultimate Guide to Seasonal Publishing for Indie Authors

Traditional publishing is organized around seasons, which you’ll have seen in the bestseller charts and the marketing activities of bookstores. Should indie authors also follow these seasons? Are there any aspects we could do in a different way, as our business model is more nimble? That's the topic the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is tackling today. This is the ultimate guide to seasonal publishing for indie authors.
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