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Ten Years of Self-Publishing 2012 to 2022

2012 was a landmark year for self-publishing, seeing not only the launch of the Alliance of Independent Authors, but also the publishing platforms Draft2Digital and Kobo Writing Life, and the advertising medium BookBub, all of which are still significant players. Since then, indie authors have rocked the book world non-stop. Here’s a round-up of the defining changes year on year - which show how far we’ve come, how fast we’re adapting and innovating, and how we’ve changed the face of publishing forever. This is ten years of self-publishing.
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Book Publicity Tips for Self-Publishers. Part One: Blogs

Book blog are great publicity for independent authorsGUEST POST: By Ben Cameron of Smith Publicity.

For publicity purposes, there are essentially two kinds of blogs, those that are an offshoot of another form of media, such as a newspaper, magazine or radio show; and those that are independent stand-alones. Either way, they are usually written by a single individual or a small group and have a very personal feel to them.

Like people, blogs can be quirky, opinionated and prejudiced. You are off to a great start if you think if them as people – as funny as your Aunt Bessie or grumpy as your old Uncle Carl.

1)  Blogs Are Not an Afterthought

When it comes to media, some rank contacts in order of ‘importance’, with television being the golden ticket and blogs being something you try once other

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