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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Jane Buckley

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Jane Buckley. Author From Northern Ireland Uses Fiction to Help Readers Understand the Troubles

My ALLi author guest this episode is Jane Buckley, an author from Derry, Northern Ireland, who writes about the Troubles based on her own experiences. After building a career in London, she returned home and began writing to help others understand the conflict. Her books draw from real events, capturing both the violence and the everyday lives of those who lived through it.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Pauline Wilson

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Pauline Wilson, Australian Novelist Mines Her Own Ancestors for Fascinating Characters and Stories

My guest this episode is Pauline Wilson, an Australian author who began writing historical fiction later in life when she discovered that her own family history was filled with stories that needed to be told. From former convicts to insane asylum inmates, Pauline found a wonderful cast of characters in her own ancestors. And whatever she couldn't dig up, she fictionalized.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Karen Heenan

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Karen Heenan. Retired Paralegal Finds Second Career in Historical Fiction

My ALLi author guest this episode is Karen Heenan an author of historical fiction who spent thirty years helping lawyers improve their writing until she retired and began her second career. Being an author isn't as lucrative as being a paralegal, but she is more than compensated in her satisfaction with doing something that brings joy to herself and her readers.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Melissa Addey

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Melissa Addey. ALLi Campaigns Manager Helps Other Authors Find Their Voices

My ALLi author guest this episode is Melissa Addey, who you may already know as the campaigns manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors and co-host of the Beginners Self-Publishing podcast. But Melissa is also an accomplished indie author, herself, focusing on historical fiction. She also uses her expertise to help other self-published authors find their voices.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Peter Turnham

Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Peter Turnham: Dyslexic Author Conquers His Personal Everest

My ALLi author guest this episode is Peter Turnham, who has dyslexia, which means that he has difficulty reading and interpreting words. It seems like an unlikely condition for a writer. But Peter has spent his life proving that he can overcome any obstacle. Peter says the odds of him becoming a writer were about as great as climbing Mount Everest. But I'll let Peter tell the story of how and why he climbed to the peak, anyway.
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Author Interview With Helen Hollick

Author Interview with Helen Hollick: Reimagining King Arthur — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My ALLi author guest this week is Helen Hollick, who writes historical fiction about fantastical topics like King Arthur, but reimagines the legend as if Arthur was a real man, without the magic, without Merlin. What she ended up with was a successful trilogy picked up by a major publisher. Then, after creative differences with Random House, she decided to go indie and hasn't looked back since. Today, she devotes much of her time to helping other indie authors of historical fiction find their audience.
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Author Interview With Margaret Skea

Author Interview with Margaret Skea: Ulster Childhood Prepared Her to Write About Ancient Conflict — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My ALLi author guest this week is Margaret Skea, who lives in Scotland and writes historical fiction about violent periods in Scottish history. It is a subject that hits closer to home for Margaret than you'd think. She spent her childhood in Northern Ireland, where sectarian violence was a daily fact of life, and Margaret is able to convey this sense of danger and uncertainty in her fiction.
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