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We Need to Talk About… Indie Author Independence with ALLi Director Orna Ross

This week in our regular Alliance of Independent Authors opinion post, we take a closer look at what it really means to be independent as a self-publishing author. What motivates us to go it alone, what are the real benefits of independent creative control and how could our indie author independence evolve in the future? Read on for thoughts from ALLi Director Orna Ross and our author member community…
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Multi-Genre Author

Overcoming the Challenges of Being a Multi-Genre Author: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross

This episode focuses on the unique challenges faced by multi-genre authors in the self-publishing sector. ALLi Director Orna Ross provides practical solutions and personal examples for targeting different readers, establishing a cohesive brand, maintaining quality across genres, managing reader expectations, and building genre-specific expertise, along with tips for optimizing your time.
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