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Should I Copyright My Book? Your Indie Author Copyright Questions Answered

In this Alliance of Independent Authors post we'll explore some common indie author copyright questions. From whether copyrighting your work is even necessary, to whether using a trademarked name in your book is possible. If these FAQs get you thinking, you’ll find more information about ALLi’s book 150 Self-Publishing Questions Answered at the end of this post.
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Associate To Author

Moving from Associate to Author: ALLi Member Top Tips for Levelling Up

Today’s post looks at the experience of our indie author community as we level up from an associate, just starting out with writing, to a fully-fledged author. What does it feel like, how do things change, and what can we do to move to the next level? We’ll share the experience of Alli team members and community members based on the top tips and stories shared with us through our member forums on Facebook and SelfPubConnect.
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Self-Publishing Marketing And Promotion Best Blogs 2023

Marketing and Promoting Self-Published Books: Best Blogs 2023

As the year draws to a close we continue our month of reflection throughout December, and this week we are looking back at the top indie author marketing and promoting self-published books posts on the Alliance of Independent Authors blog. From paid advertising to non-fiction marketing techniques, these are the blogs from 2023 you don't want to miss if you are looking to boost your marketing activity in the coming year...
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Limited Liability Company

Should I Create a Limited Liability Company? More Questions Answered by Michael La Ronn and Sacha Black in our Member Q&A Podcast

In this month's AskALLi Member Q&A with Michael La Ronn and Sacha Black: Should I create a limited liability company? If I hire someone to illustrate 3D models for illustrations, do I own the copyright? How can I connect with other ALLi members who are local to me? Is it worth entering my book into a literary contest?
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