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The Big Indie Author Data Drop Announcement

For indie authors, "data" often has negative connotations. We're words people, not numbers. Except, numbers are a core part of business, and we should all be better with data because it helps us grow, and increase income and performance. But what happens when the industry—our industry—doesn't provide us with the data that we need? That's where the Big Indie Data Drop comes in and exactly what the Alliance of Independent Authors is announcing today.
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Boost You Backlist: Image Of A Rocket

Boost Your Backlist: How to Make the Most of Every Title

Backlist is a term thrown about by both self-publishing authors and traditional publishers. While your new books—your front list—are often the highest earning for short periods of time. But it's usually your backlist that brings in the consistent cash over time. How do you make the most of those books? What should you be doing to capitalize on them and what tactics work the best? That's the question the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is answering today. This is boost your backlist: how to make the most of every title.
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Surveying Self-Publishing: Facts About Indie Author Income In 2022: Images Of Blue Graphs

Surveying Self-Publishing: Facts about Indie Author Income in 2022

Publishing is a fast-paced and ever-changing industry and so we at the Alliance of Independent Authors thought it might be useful to many writing-based organizations to offer both a brief update on the importance of self-publishing today and on how organizations can ensure they are including high quality indie authors in their work, for mutual benefit. This is facts and figures about indie author income in 2022.
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