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Surveying Self-Publishing: Facts About Indie Author Income In 2022: Images Of Blue Graphs

Surveying Self-Publishing: Facts about Indie Author Income in 2022

Publishing is a fast-paced and ever-changing industry and so we at the Alliance of Independent Authors thought it might be useful to many writing-based organizations to offer both a brief update on the importance of self-publishing today and on how organizations can ensure they are including high quality indie authors in their work, for mutual benefit. This is facts and figures about indie author income in 2022.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Keith A Pearson

Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Keith A Pearson: He Wrote His First Book on a Bar Bet, Then Readers Wanted More

My ALLi author guest this episode is Keith A Pearson, who grew up in economically disadvantaged conditions in England, left school when he was sixteen, and developed a work ethic as he advanced in his career. That work ethic came in handy when he transitioned to full-time author. It was a very unlikely new career choice for Keith, who did not exactly surround himself with the literati. In fact, he wrote his first book on a bar bet with a friend. I'll let Keith A Pearson tell the rest of his story.
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The Indie Authors’ Ultimate Guide to Hiring Virtual Assistants

There comes a time for many entrepreneurs, writers and business owners where you can't keep up with the quantity of work you have or want to produce in the amount of time you have. What then? Shrink your business, hire a member of staff or outsource to freelancers. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is looking at the latter. Working with virtual assistants for indie authors..
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Personal Brand

Developing Your Personal Brand as an Author: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Joanna Penn

Does your personal brand as an author match your books? When we’ve been publishing for a while, we can sometimes lose sight of our author brand and what it’s saying to our readers. In this Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast episode, Orna Ross and Joanna Penn talk about pivots they needed to make to their author branding to make it more relevant and personal—and the lessons learned along the way.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Jennifer Helfand

Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Jennifer Helfand: After a Childhood of ‘Not Fitting In,’ She Helps Her Readers Find Their Way

My ALLi author guest this episode is Jennifer Helfand, who writes under the pen name Jordana Chana Mayim. Jennifer specializes in writing stories for children and adults about people who don't quite fit in, who long for something more in their lives. It's a subject she knows well because she spent a childhood not really fitting in, herself, until she found travel, writing, and indie publishing. Jennifer hopes that her books help others find where they can fit in, too. I'll let Jennifer tell her story.
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