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Bringing Frankfurt Book Fair To You Via The Indie Author Fringe

Bringing Frankfurt Book Fair to you via the Indie Author Fringe

Coming to a Screen near you

Indie Author Fringe Frankfurt Book FairOur Free online author conference starts at 10am Frankfurt time on Saturday October 22nd. Why Frankfurt? Well, our third and final Indie Author event for 2016 is being held as a Fringe Event to Frankfurt Book Fair.

If you want event-day reminders of what sessions are taking place, sign up here. You will automatically be entered into our prize draw to win your own copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking.

Each Fringe session will remain active, so if you miss the start of the conference or have to step away from your screen to eat, you can catch up with all of the sessions you missed, at your leisure.

But … our session giveaways will only run until Midnight (UK) on Monday 24th October, so make sure to visit all the sessions before that deadline if you plan on entering the giveaways.

Bringing the Fair to the Fringe

There are a couple of different ways we're bringing the Frankfurt Book Fair to our Indie Author Fringe:

Orna Ross will be chatting with Porter Anderson as part of the International Author and Self-Publishing day programme in Frankfurt. If you're there in person, look out for the event live on the Publishing Perspectives Stage. Otherwise, you can catch the event as part of our Indie Author Fringe agenda.

David Penny is also heading to Frankfurt as our roving reporter and cameraman-on-the-ground so that any of us who can't attend the Frankfurt Book Fair in person can experience the indie author highlights through his eyes and ears. He has interviews and chats lined up with industry professionals, and we're incorporating his reports back to you as part of our Indie Author Fringe agenda as well.

The rest of the Indie Author Fringe Agenda is made up of authors and self-publishing experts who will be sharing 24-hours on non-stop advice with you. All Online. All Free. All geared to help you build and grow your author business.

Click here to find out How to Attend

Help us spread the word

Help us spread the word by sharing this How to Attend post on your Facebook Page, in your Twitter Feed, or on your own Blog.

This event is just too good to keep to ourselves.

I'm attending #indieauthorfringe on Oct 22nd. Are you? bit.ly/2dEryGW Share on X



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