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Editing And Proofreading With Dan Parsons And Melissa Addey: Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast

Editing and Proofreading With Dan Parsons and Melissa Addey: Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast

In today's Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast: editing and proofreading. Writing a book is impressive but getting yours to a publishable standard is a whole other trial by fire. Doing so requires a stringent quality control process, a team of collaborators, and several editorial stages. In this episode, ALLi’s Product Marketing Manager Dan Parsons and Campaigns Manager Melissa Addey walk listeners through the major editing stages that authors must face to turn a written manuscript into a professional product. Together, they’ll discuss the whys, hows, and whens of editing, as well as insights from their own processes.

This podcast is brought to you by Children's Literature. Children’s Literature holds the largest collection of children's and YA book reviews in the reviewing industry. Their reviews are licensed to booksellers, libraries, and literature databases. They review over 2,000 books per year from a variety of publishers and include self-published book reviews. Their website, ChildrensLit.com, is a great place to find information about the latest books and creators in the field of children’s and YA literature.

And, if you haven’t already, we invite you to join our organization and become a self-publishing ally. You can do that at allianceindependentauthors.org.

Listen to the Podcast: Editing and Proofreading

In the Beginners Self-Publishing #podcast with @dkparsonswriter and @MelissaAddey: editing and proofreading. Writing a book is impressive but getting it to a publishable standard is a trial by fire. Share on X

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Show Notes

About the Hosts

Dan Parsons writes the Creative Business series for authors, bestselling fantasy and horror novels (under Daniel Parsons), and a weekly blog for The Self-Publishing Formula. In the past, he has worked for three trad publishers, managed two bookstores and listened to an unhealthy number of podcasts. Now he's ALLi's product marketing manager.

Melissa Addey has a PhD in creative writing and writes historical fiction set in first-century Rome, eleventh-century Morocco and eighteenth-century China. She runs writing workshops covering both craft and entrepreneurship, most frequently for the British Library. She's also ALLi's campaigns manager, a role in which she loves observing and supporting the vast diversity of self-published authors. Visit her at her website and pick up a free novella.

Author: Howard Lovy

Howard Lovy is an author, book editor, and journalist. He is also the Content and Communications Manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors, where he hosts and produces podcasts and keeps the blog updated. You can find more of his work at https://howardlovy.com/


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