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Best Marketing Tips Of 2020 For Indie Authors

Best Marketing Tips of 2020 for Indie Authors

As we near the end of the year, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team wanted to use December to look back at 2020 and the range of ultimate guides and posts we've created to help you write, publish and market your books. Today, we've collated all of the marketing posts, podcasts and books from the team to help you improve your marketing skills. Here are the best marketing tips of 2020.

For those of you new to the blog, or those wanting to make the most of it. The blog is written and compiled by ALLi advisors, members, and team and edited by Orna Ross, ALLi Director and Blog Manager, Sacha Black. It offers advice across the seven processes of publishing:

There’s also advice on making a living as an author and running an author business, as well as weekly news bulletin by Dan Holloway about all that’s happening in the indie author world.

If you can't find the answer to a self-publishing question, you can do one of two things. First up, you can use the search bar at the top to ask a question. You can also view the categories on the right hand side to view more posts on that particular topic.

Best Marketing Tips of 2020: Mailing Lists

Earlier this year, the AskALLi team ran a deep dive, three part series on mailing lists. In the first post, we covered how to set one up, the strategies you should consider as well as what ACCESS marketing is and how it can help you foster an engaged community. Read the first post here.

In the second part, we dived into how to actually grow your mailing list, the tools at your disposal, the tactics, strategies, and methods of building. We break this down into methods for fiction authors, nonfiction authors and poets. Read the second post here.

In the final part of the series, we look at how to sustain and manage your mailing list. Importantly, why you should do this and all the different aspects you need to focus on in order to keep your mailing list in tip top shape. Read the final post here.

Best Marketing Tips of 2020: Content Marketing 

Content marketing is a fantastic long term marketing strategy, it produces slow but effective results that last longer as you build a solid audience. But how do you do content marketing? In this post, the AskALLi team looks at how to do content marketing for fiction authors. It discusses the principles as strategies you need to implement an effective content marketing strategy.

In an accompanying podcast episode, Orna Ross and Sacha Black explain effective content marketing strategies for fiction and nonfiction authors.

Best Marketing Tips of 2020: Content Repurposing

Once you've nailed content marketing, the next area you can focus on is content repurposing. The term “content repurposing” is used a lot. It sounds super efficient and in the current climate, efficiency is not only needed but required. But what does it content repurposing mean and how do you “do it”? Well, that’s what the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team aims to answer in this post.

Best Marketing Tips of 2020: Authentic Marketing

The term “authenticity” is thrown around a lot when it comes to marketing and especially for authors. But what does it mean and how do you tap into authenticity without becoming uncomfortable or sharing too much information? That’s what we answer in the ultimate guide to authenticity for indie authors.

Best Marketing Tips of 2020: Influencer Marketing 

There are a thousand ways you can market your book, but one that stands the test of time is influencer marketing. The rise of digital and social media has brought this way of reaching the right readers to more authors than ever before. But how does it work and how do you make contact with powerful influencers? In this post, we explore the world of influencer marketing for authors.

Best Marketing Tips of 2020: 150 Self-Publishing Questions Answered by M. L. Ronn

ALLi was thrilled to launch it's next book: 150 Self-Publishing Questions Answered by M. L. Ronn. What's the book all about?

Do you have self-publishing questions that you can’t seem to find the answer to? ALLi is here to help. 150 Self-Publishing Questions Answered: ALLi’s Writing, Publishing, & Book Marketing Tips for Authors and Poets brings author best practice as honed by the experiences of our members and the thousands of authors, novelists, nonfiction writers and poets who visit ALLi’s Self-Publishing Advice Centre each month.

ALLi members can download their complimentary ebook copy of 150 Self-Publishing Questions Answered in the Member Zone. Navigate to allianceindependentauthors.org and log in. Then navigate to the following menu: BOOKS > GUIDEBOOKS. Other formats are available to members and non-members in ALLi’s Bookshop


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