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Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Millicent Eidson

Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Millicent Eidson: Retired Epidemiologist Writes Mystery Series to Make Public Health Understandable in the Age of COVID

My ALLi author guest this episode is Millicent Eidson, a retired public health veterinarian and epidemiologist who worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention along with state health departments. Now she's the author of the Maya Maguire microbial mystery series, which seeks to make public health and climate change understandable and even entertaining to a general audience, something that is necessary in the age of pandemics.
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Giving Back to the Indie Author Community as a Self-Publishing Author

The indie author community is renowned for being welcoming. If you've been in the industry for any amount of time, you'll have heard someone say 'a rising tide lifts all boats'. It's what makes being an indie author so wonderful. Today, as 2022 draws to a close and we have our eyes on 2023, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is thinking of all the ways we can give back in 2023. This is how to give back to the indie author community in 2023.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Stacey Aaronson

Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Stacey Aaronson: Indie Author Publishing Partner Writes About Unique Relationship With Young Mom

My ALLi author guest this episode is Stacey Aaronson. She is a ghostwriter, editor, cover designer, layout artist, and publishing partner for indie authors, but perhaps what gave her the most personal satisfaction was writing a book about her mother, who was a teenager when Stacy was born. Together, they formed a unique spiritual bond. 
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Creating An Author Imprint

Creating an Author Imprint, With Dan Parsons and Melissa Addey: Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast

In today's Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast: creating an author imprint. Author stereotypes skew heavily in favor of “starving artists,” disregarding that those who succeed are often savvy entrepreneurs. If you want to emulate the winners then you will also need to learn business skills, starting with creating an imprint. In this episode, ALLi’s Product Marketing Manager Dan Parsons and Campaigns Manager Melissa Addey discuss why creating an imprint can help you run a smoother author business, as well as the paperwork involved, legal and financial matters, and anything else a fledgling author needs to know if they want to build a robust, long-term organization.
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