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Writing: How To Turn Your Life Into A Novel

Writing: How To Turn Your Life Into A Novel

Helena Halme,  Finnish author of three self-published novels, offers excellent advice on how to turn fact into fiction effectively, drawing on her own experience of writing The Englishman, based on her own experience of an international romance with an English naval officer.

Helena Halme

Finnish author Helena Halme

During my MA in Creative Writing 10 years ago, writing the story of your life was somewhat frowned upon. Yet, one of the most often uttered pieces of advice was to ‘write what you know’. I could never marry the two strands of thinking. How are you supposed to write about what you know, but not be allowed to use your life as inspiration?

I did, however, take my MA tutor's advice and after graduating wrote two fictional novels, Coffee and Vodka, and The Red King of Helsinki.

In both novels I used my life as a mere reference to the time and subject matter of these two stories.

How The Englishman Was Born


New “The Englishman” cover

But when, three years ago, I began my blog, Helena’s London Life, I was often asked by my readers why I moved to England from my native Finland. So I started a series of posts, telling the story of my life, of how I met and married my English husband.

I was imagining that I’d write four or five posts at the most, but when I got to number 25, I realised what I was actually writing was a novel.

You scream – a novel? Surely what you were writing was an autobiography? Yes, well, it started that way, but being that I am a novelist, new plot lines and characters kept infiltrating the story, and about half way through, I decided I’d give in to my novelist tendencies and carry on writing a fictionalised book of the true story.

So how did I do it – and what is my advice to those wishing to turn their life into a novel?

10 Top Tips for Turning Fact into Fiction

I have limited myself to 10 points. I could actually write a whole book on the subject, but I have been very strict with myself. (Mainly because this is my first ALLi post and I don’t think I’d ever be invited back to write another if I’d turn in 90,000 words instead of 900!)

1. Have an Exciting Start

Start the novel at a point that is exciting and which has relevance to the main point of the story. “She was born in a small village in West of England” may be the truth, but it may be a tad boring and not very unique. (Everyone is born at some point). Now, of course, if you were born on a raft in the middle of the Pacific, that’s a different matter. The Englishman is a romantic tale, so it starts when Kaisa meets her Englishman at the British Embassy in Helsinki.

2. Seek Permission

Do get permission to publish from the significant person – or persons – in your story, especially if they can be easily recognised. (And you care about what they think). When I was writing my blog posts, I’d always let my husband (The Englishman) read them before I pressed ‘publish’. Of course if you are writing in the traditional way, and not a blogging the story, it’s easier. When you’re done, you can give the person the manuscript and leave the country for a few days.

3. Get Inspired

Use photos, letters (emails) and music for inspiration. I was lucky in that I’d kept all my letters from my husband, and I also had the letters I’d written to him during our long-distance relationship.

4. Write with Confidence

Don’t worry about letting your pen fly when you start writing. Since you know the plot – and the characters – already, writing the novel can be very quick. If you decide later to change scenes, plot or characters, that’s easy. I found that if I didn’t worry too much about how truthful – or not – the story was, my writing became much more fluid and confident.

5. Shorten the Timeframe

Do shorten the time frame of the story, it makes the plot more exciting. In real life events often occur slowly, and it’s only when you look back that you see the string of events and their significance to the plot.

6. Create Strong Characters

Do make your characters complicated and interesting. I’m not saying that your life is filled with boring people, but in order to make a story fly, it needs strong characters.

7. Reduce your Characters

Don’t include every real person in the novel. Too many characters are confusing to the reader. They make the story unnecessarily complicated and jarring. In The Englishman, I combined a few characters to make them stand out more and to increase the pace of the novel.

8. Use Dynamic Dialogue

Don’t use real dialogue. If you’ve ever listened to people on the bus – or even better – recorded a real conversation, you will find that people tend to take a long time to say what they mean. Real people use of a lot of unnecessary comments, such as ‘hmm’, ‘What I mean is’, ‘Really’. Cut, cut and cut again, is my advice!

9. Consider Using Third-Person Narrative

Think about using a third person narrative instead or first person. When I wrote The Englishman blog posts, I did use first person, but later when I began editing the novel, I decided to change the whole story into third person. This was advice given to me by one of my early readers, and I am eternally grateful for her comments. When you use your own life as a plot, the novel will seem too personal, and too much like an autobiography, with a 1st person narrative.

10. Edit, Edit, Edit

Do edit. I’m a firm believer in the editing process. I’ve lost count of how many versions of The Englishman I wrote. What I didn’t change, however, was the core of the novel; the true love story between an English naval officer and a Finnish student, and the obstacles they had to face in order to sustain their long-distance relationship.

Writing Your Version of History

Author Doris Lessing

Author Doris Lessing

Doris Lessing wrote in one of her memoirs that we all rewrite history and that therefore no autobiography can be an accurate account of events. I found out pretty soon that I was not capable of writing a memoir, even with my own version of the ‘truth’ so my only choice was to write a fictionalised account of the ‘truth’.

But I thoroughly enjoyed the process. So much so, that I am currently writing a sequel the The Englishman, which follows Kaisa as she tries to get to grips with her new life as an naval wife in the UK.

Ten Top Tips about How To Turn Your Life Into A Novel by @helenahalme ‏#amwriting Share on X

Helena Halme Box Set Article Updated: March 2017

Since this article was originally published, Helena has completed a trilogy and prequel book in her Englishman series.

  1. The Finnish Girl: Can you be too young for love?
  2. The Englishman: Can their love go the distance?
  3. The Navy Wife: Can love stay on course?
  4. The Good Officer: Can they love again?

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    Author: Helena Halme

    Prize-winning author, former BBC journalist, bookseller and magazine editor, Helena Halme holds an MSc in Marketing and an MA in Creative Writing. Full-time author and mentor, Helena also acts as Nordic Ambassador for The Alliance of Independent Authors and has published seven bittersweet Nordic romance novels and one non-fiction title, Write Your Story: Turn Your Life into Fiction in 10 Easy Steps. Apart from writing stories set in her native Finland, Helena is addicted to Nordic Noir and dances to Abba songs when nobody's watching. Helena loves to share her experience in indie publishing with other authors and creatives.

    Find out more about Helena at her website:


    This Post Has 241 Comments
    1. Akash Chopra regrets writing off Australia: Former Indian cricketer Akash Chopra eats up his word and regrets writing off Australia. He had criticized the Kangaroos during their losses in the initial two games of the World Cup. As they rose again and reached the final by beating Proteas in the semifinal, Mr. Chopra admitted that he shouldn’t have doubted them ever.

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    3. Hi Helena Halme Thank you for your advice I wish and need your help on writing my book, it’s been 22years now today and I’m stil walking around with a 9mm hollow point bullet fragments in the back of my head lodged in my brain (execution style) it took me many painful and lots off therapy year’s to wher I am today to say to you what I want to put in writing helping me to write my book thank you.

    4. I want to write my family’s story of how my husband was falsely accused of a crime and the guy that really did it sat back and said nothing for 6 weeks costing us thousands of dollars in legal fees and my husband lost his job and his reputation…and how our town even til today still rallies behind the other guy because he has money and we do not and what it has done to my family and to me personally. And what it has done to each of us mentally….and how we have dealt with it and came out on the other side…. basically finding out that the good guy doesn’t always win…because sometimes we just have to survive.

    5. I found out recently that I was stolen as a child. My mother told me a year before she died. I know I want to write a book but I am autistic and my English isn’t great. I don’t want it to be a joke.
      I just got into a home from homeless life and can’t afford to pay anyone. I’d there a program that can help me. I also don’t have a computer so I have to type on my cell phone or handwriting.

    6. There’s alot about my life, i’m not fully sure of. I do know that, most of my experiences and “adventures” alot of people can relate to, and may have questions about themselves, I want to share my story about my life and pretty much how i survived every struggle that came with it. I also love to write, so what better way to get ink on paper is to write what i know.

    7. I need to tell people what I went though. I am the first historical case, that I put my Father in Jail I was 43yrs, I walked into a police station and it took a yr to do my statement. I no how to make a statement work and win, cause I had two police prosecutions from Melbourne came down, my father didn’t have a change to get out of it. This story is like no other with bad passed, yes iv been though tuff times very tuff, but we hear of that all the time, I understand that you passed has a lot to do with who you are as a person today. This story will all so help people that have wrongly been put in to mental health hospital that have been wrongly diagnosed. Also there is plenty more, information I can right about. If anyone is interested in helping me do this, maybe a student that’s doing physiology or even Mental heath study’s or even a physiatrist training in the field. Would love to hear from you


    8. Hi, How are you doing? I would love to someone to write my story (very true). I need to have someone to write down and I have had 2 strokes all and I can not write it down. I did write in two notebooks and I really do appreciate it. I Thank you, Brenda Gebhart Heckman
      I do have a phone number if you want to call. 5705788523

    9. I want to tell my story. The City girl falls in love with the small town farm boy. He was five years younger. They met at a college party. Of course, he lied about his age. The next 21 years were full of success, happiness, additions, deceit, & lies.

    10. I have an amazing story in regards to my mother and her journey . What is the starting point for writing a book…
      Thank you so very much

      1. Hello Nicole,
        It’s good to know that you want to write a story.
        I believe that starting totally depends on what the story is and are you writing the whole story as a daughter who is putting forward her mothers’ story or your mom is the narrator of the story ( and you writing in place of her).
        I hope this would help and give you a way to start.
        Please do take others opinions as well and maybe talk to you mom regarding the same(she might be able to help you as it’s her story) because I am not a writer,

    11. I want to talk about my childhood experience of neglect, sexual child abuse, child inadequacy and childhood abuse, l want to explain how this has affected myself and my adulthood life with my marriage, as well as how it affected my relationship with my children. I need help to save my family and myself. I wan t to protect myself to be a better person who can save the family from my personal suffering. i want to be able to be a good wife wife, mother and human being. However, I have so many haunts of suicide abandonment breast cancer, If you are not interested in my book, I will find some one who is willing to pay to write my story. I spoke with my social worker who said I need to tell others to help then because my story needs to be told.

    12. Hello, I am a 38 year old female that has been released from prison after doing 7 years for drug trafficking. I have a very realistic story to tell I just need to get some advice because I am not much of a writer but if I could get my story out there I could change the lives of women who can relate to my story. Please feel free to contact me anytime you won’t be disappointed.

    13. Hi, I am a 28 year old Jamaican residing overseas. I have just ended a 12 years relationship which I am certain is filled with enough horror for an entire book collection. I have read your advice and would love your feedback on how to get down to writing my first novel.

    14. Hi Helena I have story of a boy that was half Guatemalan half Palestinian , I want to write about his life and how he got into drugs, the suffering of a mother who tried to save him after getting divorce being alone and having not too much knowledge of how drugs can ruin people’s life. My beautiful boy passed the way almost 3 years ago on Valentine’s Day.

    15. Hi.

      I really don’t know why I’m doing this but I will continue. I won’t type my name because I’m sure it will be figured out within my email. To get straight to the point my life has stories about growing up poor, SEXUAL HARASSMENT, Epilepsy, nicotine, suicidal thoughts and so much more. The question is how to begin writing about my endless life?

    16. Thankyou for your advice .Helena i wish to write my life story .I was a child in the care system from 3 years of age to 17 and 4 months and kicked out of care with chicken pots in a bedist with no family and no support.I was abused ,Groomed ,mentally ,emotionally Damaged,today i suffer with the issues i recived whiles in care,I have been involved with five investigations the two at the moment is Palial, by National crime agency and Lowell Goddard.

    17. Helena please i havea true life story to tell and i dont know how to go about it please enlighten me,am mary from lagos Nigeria

    18. I have a very interesting story I would like to present to a producer would you please contact me through email so we might could find out how I could turn over my manuscript for a producer to read it it is the life story that is true there is not one made up see my body and you something the world should know that yourself what makes it different from any other story is the truth I love Lotta people and it’s l light switch nobody should ever get trapped in this is a tragic story what happens to a person when you don’t watch out and people use him from start to finish is much more

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    46. Wish you can write my life to much to even put on here as child to adult hood help me so others can here my my story

    47. H Helena,

      thank for the useful advice, recently I started making the outline for the story that I about to write

      anyhow, I hope I can succeed by applying the above tips into the narration.


    48. Hello Helena,

      Am a 36 year old Nigerian, who wants to write a book about her 22month old son whom has and is still is going through an extraordinary journey for his life. He was born with a rare condition in a third world country with no access to good medical care and facilities and with young parents who was not prepared for such travails. Xavier is his name but I call him (The Great One). His story is about his birth, misdiagnosis from the local hospital, the journey for a proper diagnosis and cure in London, the unflinching and unrelenting love of his parents to find a cure for him despite all financial odds. The humiliation of his parents from family and friends in the bid of asking for help, the unbelievable betrayal by his uncle(heartwrenching I must say). His return back home to nigeria without finding a treatment in United Kingdom…The book will be in series and I don’t know where to start from cause am actually overwhelmed right now with making sure we find a treatment for him..

    49. […] 1. Why I will be able to tell more people about my depression … 2. Business Leadership Requires Being Able to Tell Your Story 3. The One Interview Question Most People Are Not Prepared … 4. How to Tell a Story (with Pictures) – wikiHow 5. 10 Top Tips on How to Write a Novel Based on Your Life … […]

        1. Hi helena, l have a true life story about my life and l don’t know how to go about it am Lebo from Pretoria South Africa

    50. Hi there! I know his is kinda off topic butt I was wodering if youu knew whewre I could find a
      captcha plugin ffor my comment form? I’m using thee same blog platform as yours and I’m
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    51. […] The First 3 Steps To Writing Your Life Story | The Huffington Post How to Write About Your Own Life: 15 Steps (with Pictures) How to Create Magic with Your Words – Inspired Writer | Positive Writer Writing a compelling life story in 500 words or less | Psychology Today Writing My Life Story – Tips on Autobiography, Life Story and Memoir The New Way to Write Your Life Story: The 10 Themes of Legacy Writing | WritersDigest.com 10 Top Tips on How to Write a Novel Based on Your Life Story | Self-Publishing Advice Center […]

    52. How do you do? I so want to write about my life, the lessons I have learnt will sure help others. that no matter what the situation but need to change the we think about other people and focus on the good but knowing all the bad things they do to hurt and discredit other people. I am a mother of 1 – beautiful, bright 17 year old daughter and am now in love with a handsome charming man in my life. I so want to write this book.

      1. Dear Helen, I am from north east America. single mom, two kids. My life divided between 3 chapters, 1 chapter, it was my younger age, big family, 8 kids, I am second from top, very kind, nice responsible mom and though hard worker, dad who just had to make sure we have per shoes and got our vacancies each year. My early age went through 8 years war. First marriage, first baby, skip country, traps, surviving from earthquake after 2 days. Soon after noticed it I am single mom at 28 years old, with the baby girl who was 2 year old, lost husband in earthquake and almost died because of culture. Fighting for my kid custody at court because of ……law and went through second marriage with my brother law to keep my family instead losing it. Got my green card after 6….. It was Year 2000 second kid’s came to the life. I did work 3 jobs every week to support my kids and my family, finished my college degree, and got the full time job. After 27 years marriage got the phone call from city officer to I have to go to the hospital. I was praying to I can see my husband for the last time. Doctor told me he past way in park. …. I am single, and lost tow loving brothers to the different …….Shahnaz

      2. if i write about my real life it would be a huge impact to the others life . please help my to finish my Journey.

    53. Something keeps telling me to write a novel i dont know where to start about my life or the day my 23 old granddaughter was born which i was the first person to hold her my daughter was a single mom i never knew who her father was. Then my daughter met another guy 7 yrs later and had another baby girl Alexis my first thought my daughter boyfriend was her father 5 yrs later my daughter told her about her real father he was doing 18 yrs for manslaughter after that she became wild getting in trouble my daughter and her boyfriend split up until this day alexis is living with me still struggling

    54. Hi
      I know I have a story that needs to be heard in some way but I have some doubt on if I can make putting it in a book possible. I a a 29 year old young North American women. But I have obstacles that include, depression, Suicide attempts at 14, abuse, family conflict, marriage, divorce, cancer, carigiving for a terminally husband at a very young age, more family conflict, religion, young babies with a dying father, rare form of cancer with no cancer history and low risk rate of getting the cancer out of the blue, overcoming judgment, motherhood, young children to pre teen age, financial troubles, and dependability problems. I have no idea where to stay but if you know any resources of where to begin with lot of personal writing exspierence but being a first time author with a serious story to be told. My husband cancer is very rare and it came out of nowhere with a terminal diagnoses 4 days after his 31st birthday. The things I have learned through the journey some do not learn in their lifetimes. I need to share this story with the world because it’s not like any other.

    55. oh heck, I just typed a long story about my past. I was encouraged by my therapist and my psychiatrist to write a book about my life. there has been so much sick events I would not know where to begin. I am asking someone to please come to my apartment to tell my life story. it would be so helpful to girls and women all over, It all started in the seventies up to the eighties. please send someone over to my apartment so I can tell my life story so we can write a book about it. To this day I am effected by what was so sickening in my life.It has lasted to this day. I know I will never get over it, but someone has to hear my life story and get courage from it or they will spend their whole life trying to understand it and get over it. Help me please. This is not a joke, I have prove. Please help me. EG

      1. Hello did you ever get anyone to your apt to hear your story? I have a story myself and it is a sad but true story I am a little ashamed of it and I never spoke of it. By the way I have lived my young life you can tell I have been through hell…I have risen above now in my older years. Keep me posted on your progress in writing your book

        1. Hello Helena, am from Kenya, Africa, am in the process of writing my life history as a inspiration novel to the World because I can assure you I have passed through a hell of life in my earlier age.
          Your advice especially using the third person tense.
          The real challenge is getting the right editor and publishing team to make this writing work more worthy plus the budget I should give to the whole Writing work.

          What’s your advice Helena?

          Waiting eagerly for your kind response.

    56. Karen taylor

      Helena I had two therapist tell me to write book on my life I been trying to but I can’t come up with a title to my book plus I’m afraid if I write it I put my life in danger nothing else can be done to me besides to kill me and I’ve lived through a few attempts please how to find the words of my title I wished I had you beside me then I know for once I would have the greatest gift of my life your awesome

    57. hi me and my best friend want to write a story, about how we met and the challenges we faced in our journey and be were we are today and just maybe onday we can do a movie cause I know that the sky is the limit,but until then I need help on how we can go about the writing..thank you

    58. Hi Helena,
      My name is Dorjee. I am 21 years old. My english is not so good as compared to others. I make a lot of grammatical mistake while writing. But i do have a lot of interest for writing a novel. I don’t have any story related to my life, as my life is well going without much trouble. I read lots and lots of novel’s just to improve my english, so that i will be able to write a good novel. I soo want to be a novelist. I can hear my inner self telling me that “you can do it”. I want to write a simple novel with my simple words in it. My question is “Will i be able to get my book publish? If i use simple english words instead of complicated words, which most of the people find it hard to understand?”

    59. I also want to write a story about my painful life how i studies in student life and how many problem i faced . All person says that he live in city what he does nothing so i want to write my own story!!! Plz help me in starting my story !!! JIGYASHU

    60. Helena, you have one of the very best sites for new authors. Thank you.

      I hope everyone who has posted and everyone who reads this will buy a pen and a notebook and begin writing their story. Write until there is nothing more to write. How to write will come later. Write short stories about each experience and give it an interesting title.

      Each of you will learn so much while writing, so begin TODAY !

    61. Dear Helena my name is Tammy I am 45 I want to write a book about my life sexual abuse physical abuse, prison,drugs,deaths and a lot more but I don’t know where to begin do you have any suggestions

    62. Helena,
      I’m a 48 year old women from a small island in eastern Canada. Sexually abused from the age of 5 and the reason I choose this age is the earliest torturing memories of my father and brothers abuse begins there. unfortunately at middle age, I feel the only way to go on would be facing past memories and helping myself would be to write about my pain. Abuse in all forms in later years were somewhat “swept under the rug” it’s my time to do a little housekeeping!! From beyond the white picket fence, all seemed normal according to relatives and close friends. I suffered many forms of abuse until I fled home at age 18 and continues. This island has statistically endured sad stories that females are sexually abused by relatives a staggering 1in 3 women still today and abuse by Priests in our province is quite frankly gut wrenching. My story is but one in many thousands of my peers and I believe by writing about my self therapy may help someone in my community become strong enough to step forward and end their suffering . Any advice you can offer would be greatly accepted as this will be my first book I just need to get out there and help ease just one of many of my sisters with this horrific struggle we face each day.
      thank-you Bridgette

    63. Hi Helena
      I’m Zandi and I want to write a book about my life,I have always wanted to write a book,I read a lot write a lot please help me with info on what to do to start yo help wil be much appreciated thank you

    64. It is once-again 2a.m.. My phone rings forcing me to slide out of bed and into my uniform shirt and ready-packed pair cargo pants. I quickly open my e-mail to see who I will need to call. With pen in hand I jot down info to keep my thoughts straight and then I call my grieving family. No matter that I have done this hundreds of times, my stomach still churns every time. There is truly nothing to be said to fix anything for the person on the other end of my call. I draw in a deep breath as my caller answers and I greet them. “Hello. This is Debbie with “XYZ Funeral Services”. How can I help?” The caller will say a loved one has passed. I will offer condolences and I will arrange to transport their loved one to the funeral home. If the death has occurred at a private residence I will arrange for a helper to go with me. Most homes in New England have stairs and tight spaces so there can be significant amounts of lifting. That said I will still feel my stomach churning until we get the body into the van. Believe it or not, I am a 57 year old breast cancer survivor and I am tiny! I went through chemo and radiation and the biggest thing I survived was my alcoholic husband! I have no idea where to begin!

      1. Seriously? It seems to me like you have began a very interesting story. Which death is the most painful, they are not the same? Alcoholic husband? Did he just sit and drink?

      2. Debra, you can begin by writing “it’s once-again 2 a. m.” I followed your story through to the end and I liked your “biggest thing I survived” ending.

        I hope to see all of you new authors on Amazon … sometime next year … or maybe even Christmas time. Books make great gifts.

    65. ATTN!!! ATTN!!! ATTN!!!
      This is to inform the general public that KENEDILLI TEMPLE is not a place for site seeing and touring around or is it a place to catch fun. If you seek fun please go to a park and get it as KENEDILLI TEMPLE is a place where a lot of spiritual activities like; WIN COURT CASES, GET CURED OF ANY KIND OF STD, GET JOB PROMOTION, GET A GOOD JOB, GET BANK LOAN, TERMINATE DIVORCE PROCESS, GET EX- WIFE/ HUSBAND BACK, GET OUT OF JAIL, GET BUSINESS LINK, WIN LOTTERIES and so on, are carried out. Here at KENEDILLI TEMPLE, we do not entertain unserious customers. As in recent times, we have been encountering a whole lot of fraudsters by mails and what they end up doing is in a way seek for help and after which they leave the process of whatever help they have sought unfinished which make the spirits so unhappy and they end up unleashing their anger on the chief priest. And in this vane, I the chief priest of KENEDILLI TEMPLE will place a curse on any customer that tries to play on the intelligence of this great temple. To our legitimate customers, the KENEDILLI TEMPLE is not on Facebook, Google+ or any of those social platforms. If you get any messages via those platforms, IT IS NOT FROM THE KENEDILLI TEMPLE. Outside your mobile numbers, our only source of communication with you is via our yahoo mail; kenedillitemples AT yahoo DOT com. You out there seeking for any kind of spiritual help, kindly contact the great temple on the above email. May the spirits guide and protect you.

    66. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us, I also need to write a novel about my life as it has alot of drama bt I really dnt knw where to start, I’m very inspired by the novel”another mothers love” by Karen Scott as my life is close to that of that novel

    67. TazFebruary 20, 2016 at 4:58 am#

      Dear Helena.

      Thankyou for your advice .Helena i wish to write my life story .I was a child in the care system from 3 years of age to 17 and 4 months and kicked out of care with chicken pots in a bedist with no family and no support.I was abused ,Groomed ,mentally ,emotionally Damaged,today i suffer with the issues i recived whiles in care,I have been involved with five investigations the two at the moment is Palial, by National crime agency and Lowell Goddard.

      Helena for the past 35 years i have been trying to get justice closer.I have had to deal with Cid Operation Goldfinch South Wales an officer took my statement to abuser and i gave 3 other names who abused children in 1994.

      Helena i have been pushed out of investigastion due to this officer and 2015 i had it reinvestigated issues that happend to me.I have also got one abuse case still being investigated 30 years on. Helena i recived no education ,i have re-educated myself to degree level in university Criminology Criminal Justice ,the purpose was to be heard and not be pushed to one side.Helena 1994 i was in a road traffic accident of duty police officer smashed into my car and damaged my spine top the fact i wear mophinb everyday through patch at 75mgs hour.Helena i have since carried on.I had my own newsagents,sold that 2008,then did fruit and veg on markets then went of to university after doing night school english and access course to socials science .I then got accepted in university but opend my shop instead as it was within a deprived area were i originated from and wanted to give the comminity their meeting point bacjk as well as convience Store.
      Helena today i still fight for justice closer .I ask authorities who were responsible for me to apologies to what happend to me and they said their insurance company has informed them not to.Helena its principal not about monis,but they have turned it intoo that.Helena as you can imagine i do suffer with mental health ie,ptsd and Bi Polor.

      Helena i want people to realise people with power monis will always have the last say,its wrong i am 49 years of age and yet to start my life while the abusers have had their lifes.I want to get my story out their as people need to see that Government and police and Ipcc and all these investigations are a waste of monis and they have forgot were the abuse was originally reported out of county with children from Clywd county council i was one of them kids,no education ,no family ,Christmas alone .Please could you advice me how to start my story please i would apprititate so much

      Regards Justice

    68. Hello. I have been told by many for years to write a book. After searching the internet trying to get feedback on if this is a reasonable idea since this is such a social media world now, I would love to get some advice. I am a young woman wit several diseases, had brain surgery, been in wheelchairs and walkers, bused her head open, was married and abused, and fell and busted her head open given over to death by doctors. Despite all of this, I graduated from a university in 3 years finishing with straight As, am walking, mentoring, as well as about to start an internship in the hospital that gave me over. Being raised in church by a strict pastor, never going to a party, smoked, or drank I was often made fun in school. My form of release was/am singing every Sunday in Church and continuing to be ambitious. Your site is so helpful to me because it would be written in third person. Do you believe that me writing this book in which I already began, is a good idea? And how do I go about getting published. One more question, how many chapters would I need or is a good idea? Thank you. Any advice would be appreciated.

    69. Hi my name is tega.pls I need help on how to start a story about myself.i have a lot to put down to help young girls like me,who would have made the same mistake I made and also to those who might be in the same line,to avoid making the same mistakes.pls I would really appreciate your help.tnx.

    70. Thank you so much for the tips pertaining to writing an autobiography. I have begin writing my biography about my life. It begins with my husband of 35 years walking out of our marriage without a clue that anything was wrong and noting was ever said that he wasn’t Happy. The chapter is called “Utterly Crushed” with so much emotions I felt as a way of coping and healing from the sudden abandonment and feelings I had.

      Only 4 months after my husband left me, I received a phone call from my brother in NY late one nigh, telling me to sit down, because he had something “stunning and shocking” to tell me. Since our 85 year old father had fallen down, could no longer speak and make sense when he did, my brother began cleaning out his apartment. Then he came upon a metal box with a lock on it, opened it and said he had found my “Adoption Documents”.. Neither one of us had any idea growing up that I had been adopted and to find this out at age 56 years old really rocked my world, The title of this chapter is called “The 50+ Year Secret” and it truly was. To find out I was born to a French Jew on August 21, 1957 in Baumholder, Germany with no father listed on my birth certificate rocked my sense of who I was to the core.This chapter details my journey of trying to find out if my birth mother was even still alive, obtaining the entire adoption package and even taking a DNA test which helped me find a first and second cousin. The 6 month process of my obtaining documents since my adoption had been done entirely through the German and French courts had made me a much better writer too.

      My autobiography continues to this day and I have mapped out about 9 chapters so far, with areas of my life that I want to cover, I hope within a year’s time, I can find an editor and then a publisher of my book.

      Thank you again

    71. Hello! I am currently writing a book about my dog. I know, another dog book..
      My questions are about the people I will be having in my book. I have family members, friends, loved ones and random people who have known my dog. There is not one person who will be put in a “bad light” or written to look evil, or stupid or less of a human being. So I know they wouldn’t be able to go after me for defamation of character. My concerns is, should I be worried about having them in book at all? If I talk to them about it, they seem okay with it, but then read the book and try to find some way to come after me (maybe just for the fact I put them in a book), could they come after me for something. I ask this because these family members, friends, loved ones and random people, I trust about as far as I could throw them. I could see many of them going… hmmmm I didn’t really mean I was okay with being in her book. And then opportunity knocks on their door and they decide to come after me. Do I need to change their names? Was only going to use first names. Should I even tell them or ask their permission beforehand? Is there any type of agreement/contract I could have them sign? I know this makes me look paranoid, but I’ve hear horror stories from some people and their family/friends at my writers group and it makes me nervous. Thanks for the help!

      1. Jennifer, I recommend you read a book by Helen Sedwick, who is ALLi’s legal advisor, called “Self-Publisher’s Legal Handbook”, in particular chapter 7, “Protecting Your Nest Egg – Avoiding Getting Sued”! She advises caution for all sorts of reasons, not least because lawsuits for defamation between families and friends are so common. You may do better to fictionalise your story.

    72. I’d like to write about a relationship I ended 18 months ago. It was all based on lies & betrayal and a split personality!

      I don’t have the ability to write it but I’ve been told several times this should be in paperback. Can you please point me in the right direction to get someone to write it for me.

      1. Linda, I don’t know where you are geographically, but what you need is a ghostwriter. I suggest you google ghostwriters in your area and you should get plenty of suggestions of who might help – ideally look for someone who has previously worked on books in a similar subject area.

      2. i had a relationship similar to what you listed, did you marry this person? I am currently trying to write my story as well. No body can tell a story as well as you can. Hope you find what you need to create that book. I would really love to know more about your story.My name is Angel Martinez

    73. I want to writing a novel on love a, how can I make chapters on this and how many pages maximum I can write, give me some tips

    74. Synchronicity that I stumbled across your article. I moved to the USA to marry a sergeant in the army with my 11 year old son. Transitioning has been a huge challenge I found.

      Thank you for the tips on writing your life story. I am 43 now and feel that I have lived through some tales that if written in a way that could hold the attention of the reader would be very engaging, stimulating and thought provoking. I guess the least I can do is have a go…

      Many thanks

    75. I am a 71 year old woman who has made it through much adversity . I am a woman who was raised by a verbally abusive dr. And a mother that allow his abuse. I have found through my life that I have become my mother attaching to strong verbally abusive men. My goal is to put my story in writing for other people that are experiencing my mistakes can realize it and pick themselves up and help themselves out of this type of situation. So I would like to do this before it is too late for me. I am very emotionally weak and end up letting the abusers talk me into the reasons I let this go on is because of my weak personality instead of holding others accountable for their demands. I established a company that was successful and sold for millions. I would like to tell my story. Patti bishop

    76. Hello. I really appreciate your blog. I am starting to write a book based on story of my life. I had gone through lot of struggle and still struggling to get success. But, I came to know so many things during my downs. I want to mention inspiring events of my life which can motivate other people. Well I want to motivate people by this book especially young people so that they will know what to do during your bad time. But the problem is that I havent succeeded yet so is this right time to write a book ? If so then what genre will be for this book ? Please advise me. Thank you.

    77. Hi thank you for all information. i like reading specially novels and stories. i am very much eager to write a novel but i have not tried yet. What is your suggestion??

    78. Hi I’m wanting to write a book about my son he’s 4 now but at 11 months he was diagnosed with a rare bladder cancer. We went to America for his radiation where he contracted septacemia, meningitis and pneumonia. They told us he wouldn’t survive…. He did but lost partial limbs which then they told us he would never walk… He does. They are now building the proton machine in Manchester which my son is the face of as he is an inspiration and survivor. I’d anybody can help me in getting started with this I would be truly thankful I want to share with the world my amazing son and hopefully his story will also inspire and give hope to others thank you

      1. Your short paragraph online already has me gripped. I think true stories like yours can be really inspirational and give courage and confidence to so many people. Go for it or may be start with some small articles in a medical magazine or a blog, Good luck and thank you for sharing.

    79. I always wish to become a English write,r as my native language is not English, I feel I will make grammatical mistake if I write, so always my writings end in one paragraph or one page .

      Also I don’t know , how to introduce characters, surroundings etc.

      Please advice.

    80. I loved this blog post and I want to read your book.

      I am an American and something similar happened to me with an Italian man- a romantic flamenco guitarist type, who was sexy but also very strongly religious. We met online and bonded and I decided to take a trip to see him. But then suddenly I didnt hear from him. I still went to Italy like I planned and then I decided to search for him when it was almost over…I will not tell you what happened, this is just for those who finish the book! (when I write it, hopefully this summer)

    81. Thank you for this. I had a dream about 10 years ago. I had treasure under my bed. The only thing I could find was a small story my great grandmother wrote about a cabin. This weekend we found the cabin and took the book to the historical society to get more information. We also have pictures of my great grandparents life starting in the roaring 20s. I have no clue how to write. I am going to finish her story one way or another.

    82. I will like some one to write an autobiography “The Soul Of The Bastard” anyone interested contact me based on true life story

    83. I’m really thrilled today!When I saw this post I knew I had found just what I needed.I’m writing a story currently and it’s based on the story of my life and I included some real conversations and I just wanted to be sure if it was morally right because of the persons views. Now I know just what to do..thanks Helen!

    84. Thank you very much for the amazing tips! I have been trying to write my life story for about 7 years now. I started writing it on about 5 different computers and every different version was horribly written. Something told me to Google tips on how to write a story about my life and I stumbled upon this blog. With your tips I was able to realize so many different errors in my approach and I am now very pleased with the flow of my writing. Thanks again and God bless you!

    85. r u a writer
      if yes than i want to talk to u can i please
      i want to publish a novel- A BROKEN HEART

    86. Ahhmmm… Hello, I’m learning to write stories but I don’t know how to start. But this post will really help me… Thank you great post 🙂

    87. Hello ive been writing about my life and my friends tells me why i dont make a book.i really would love to just dont know how to go about this.am sure everyone has a story of there lives.and i wish them well telling there story.hope i hear from you( Helena ) i really need help how to go about starting my book.
      God bless you…

    88. I do have a question, if you would be so kind to answer. This book will be based on a particular span of time in a life, filled with fear, sadness, horror, and triumph. How do you get your audience to know your character when you don’t start from the child hood? Slowly, through out the story, or in the starting point?

    89. Hello thank you providing this information to me and others such as myself! I found these tips that you have shared very inspirational. I have a gripping, heart stomping, story of survival (tale) to tell. I have been told so many times that I should tell my story. Yet I hesitated for years. Until now. Once again, thank you! I can tell a story now. I can turn fact into fiction, and help others at the same time.

    90. Hi, I just came across your stuff and read a little bit about yourself and how you got started. People always tell me my life should be turned into a novel. Or a series of novels. I would love to tell someone my story and who is willing to hear it. To give you insight I live a life much older then my age. When you look at me no one would ever think it. When you find out about my life , I promise you , your jaw will drop. If your interested, email me back. Would love to hear from you and get any insight.

      Thanks.hope to hear of you soon.

    91. Somebody give me the idea to write my life story but I am not a writer and my life was an endless of struggle since childhood and happenings that today I feel ashamed of but I believe I could give some hope to many people that no matter what you can survive, by the way I am a daughter of Hungarian immigrants that immigrated to Brasil and I ended up livin in Japan now 44 years do you have a advice to me or should I find someone to write for me .?

      1. I’d suggest a good starting point would be initially to write down your story yourself. Don’t worry that you’re not a writer as such, and don’t worry too much about style, etc – just get the facts down. You may surprise yourself and find that you’ve written a good story that just needs help from an editor to knock it into shape. But if you find you really struggle with the writing and can’t get it down on paper in any form, then what you need is a ghost writer. This would be an expensive option, as you’d be paying for the time of an expert, experienced writer to write it for you. It may be that you can afford that and don’t mind paying it – but you need to be aware of the cost implications of this route, against the likely sales of the finished book, which would have to be substantial to break even. I hope that helps, and good luck with sharing your story, which sounds intriguing.

    92. madam i want to write the book abt my life which i had strugled with my dad rude behavior and i hope this book will began the revolt amoung india and it begans special laws for india about harreshment of children,wife as well as family….plz give me ur advise to get more popular

    93. Thank you so much for the inspirational article. As an ESL-American, I lived a pretty interesting life and was planning to write my life as novel. Now, I know where and how to start in my native language.

      Thank you Helena!

    94. Such a great article,very helpful,inspired me alot.when I first thought to write my life as novel,i had no clue how to start,but now i
      will try.
      Thank you helena..

    95. What a great article. I needed an idea for a novel for NaNoWriMo, I like to write about what I know, but felt my life wasn’t exciting enough to write my life story.
      Thanks to this article, I now have my novel idea, and I now realise it’s ok to use factual stories from my life, and develop them into my fiction.
      I’m really excited to get started now.
      Thanks Helena.

    96. Thank you for this, I just happen to stumble upon this and I must say I love it. I write, I keep journals since I was young but really want to publish something about my life. For the first time lastnight I had a ‘path’ and I am so happy right now. Its like I know where I am going with my book and yes it might become a novel.
      I am also thinking about starting a blog.
      Thank you Helena

    97. I really like this !!! I am wanting to write a book myself about my life but i would love to hear some advice from you . 🙂

    98. I love this .!!!! You have inspired me.!!! I really want to start writing my own book about my life and i would really like to hear som

    99. This is a fantastic article! It’s so hard to find a good article about create writing that isn’t cheesy!
      I always seem to find all the articles that ask you to cut up phrases and put them in a hat to create your piece.

      THANK YOU!

    100. Hello, Your such an inspiration, I too hope to write some day but I’m trying to figure out where to start!

      Thank you for sharing you life with others.


      1. Ann, I’m glad you liked the post. My advice would be just start wherever you think you would if you began telling the story of your life to a total stranger. Over the years many people asked me why I came to the UK, so I became quite used to telling the story, and got to learn which bit was the most exciting part to begin with. Just write! Hx

    101. How do I write a true story of my life in a way that I don’t use other people that it is truly about? I don’t think certain people would appreciate others recognizing who they really are. I don’t want to be sued for anything and I am sure the others will not let me put them in my book. It’s a complicated life I have had and I need help on how I do this.

      1. Patti,

        This is the most difficult part of writing about your own life, and really the reason I didn’t do it for a very long time. In the end, I decided to mix the characters up a bit so that people wouldn’t recognise themselves. If, however, you want to write a pure memoir you have to decide which is more important, the story or the people?

        Don’t let fear of other people’s reactions stop the need to put down the story, but on the other hand, please don’t hurt people you love.

        It’s a difficult dilemma, I know, but in a sense all authors face this problem, because we often put real people into our books. That’s why we put disclaimers at the start…

        Hope this helps.

        Helena x

    102. Hi,I am really inspired to write a novel based on my life. My life has been dramatic from the time I was a little girl. If I do write a novel how do I get the book edited and published. I would like writing to also become my career as I am at home. I would like to do the writing as an individual and then get a publisher to purchase it.

      1. Rebecca,

        There’s a lot of advice on how to self-publish on this site, as well as links to other sites and blogs. There are also a lot of books about the subject now, so go explore!

        Helena x

    103. Thank you for your advice I have wanted to write for a long time my mom was diagnosed with early onset dementia age 49 10 years ago she passed away last year I wanted to put pen to paper to highlight that Alzheimer’s and dementia is not just an old persons disease something I encountered lots of times during my moms illness. Feel inspired to start writing thank you marie

      1. Marie,

        I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. I’m just reading a book called, ‘Elizabeth is Missing’ by Emma Healey, which is about a lady with dementia. She is elderly, but I think this is a subject which is very current at the moment, so your story would be a very interesting read to many, I’m sure.

        Helena x

    104. Thanks a lot. This is going to help me. I am writing a love story based on my own life at present. I thought it would be some sort of new innovation i.e writing a love story while it is happening. These 10 points are going to be the basis of my story.

    105. I’m really happy I found this page. I just spent half an hour on Google searching for advice and tips. In my case, it’s more of a lifetime story which I will not finish any time soon. Well, you see earlier this summer I went through a bad relationship that involving “him” cheating on me with my best-friend. And that rather bad experiences opened up doors to my current relationship with the one who was friend-zoned back in the summer. In short, I felt like I needed to write this whole experiences down, black on white, and hopefully get a book out of it. It’s been always my dream you see, to have my own book, even if not published to the world. But the thing is that I do not intend to give the story an ending now. I feel like my current relationship has a strong future, and I was intending on extending the story till the day I say “I do”. plus, I was hoping on keeping a secret, and offering it to my hubby as a wedding gift. I forgot what was my main question! Anyways, I really look forward on buying “The Englishman”, I’m sure it will be a great inspiration. And, ummm, this turned out a little awkward. So yeah, thanks again! 🙂

      1. I’d be really interested to know if you’ve started your story, Rita. And how your relationship is now a few months on.

    106. Thank you for the honest input. I have contemplated writing about my life for many years as I grew up in a middle-class American family with parents that were focused on their government careers. I don’t fault them for that, but what ensured while they were not looking might be of great interest to EVERY parent simply hoping things will go their way. I ended up fine…..after many years of American Mob involvement that started at 12. A lot started internally at age 5, or younger and much self-analysis has occurred to put me in a functional and intellectual career and life that is well suited for me and my personality. My story could tell and answer the one question of “why” to many parents wondering, all in the point of view of self-responsibility. The rest you might have to read in the fictional novel, as all parties would definitely NOT consent to its publishing. Again, thank you.

      1. Kay, the classic one is Laurence Sterne’s “The Life and Times of Tristram Shandy” – the language is a little tricky and archaic as it was written hundreds of years ago but it’s still very funny.

      2. Kay, I still remember my birth quite well. Though I seldom write about it, I have described in detail to my mother. She also remembers.

    107. Mam point no 9 is very helpful for me i was confused between third person and first person narration but now i will work in third person narration thank’s for ur useful advise

    108. Hello.I have a very interesting story,almost like The Englishman, that has happen to me and i think it will be a great nouvel or book.The only problem is that i dont know how to write a book or nouvel.Im willing to tell my story and if someone thinks is worth to make it a book or a nouvel will be great.If anyone is interested in my story please contact me and i will tell u.

    109. I enjoyed this post, Helena. Your point about switching from first to third person in a personal story is a good one. Many writers don’t understand the importance of the choice of point of view. It can color the entire novel. I’ve been contemplating changing the point of view of a novel I’ve just written from third to first person to give it more immediacy.

      I’m also writing posts about novel writing. You might want to check it out.

    110. Awesome post! this can be very useful for those who love to write different stories and things that puffs in their mind. this can help them transform their life and have a little magic. i really appreciate this post because it is meaningful.

        1. r u a writer
          if yes than i want to talk to u can i please
          i want to publish a novel- A BROKEN HEART

        2. Hi. At the age of 18 I got married and have 3children I was so. abuse by my husband that I still want to sleep in a dog kennel and still do the sleep walk .my husband never allow me to sleep he was chasing me every night then I have to run for my life where I used to say in a town where gangsters operate and in the middle of the night he will take of the doors from my house and set it to alight , then he wake me up and hit me stab me. pull my hair out my head my scalp was event broken. He never allow me to watch tv if..I wanted to watch tv with my kids he come in the room and throw the tv on the floor my children stated sleeping with thy shoes on ready to run in the middle of the night. he let my children see how he put me in the dog kennel and lock me up and want me to buck like a dog. Or he chase me down the road with a knife to kill me. then he wake the kids up and say come you.. have to run the same like your mother and throw then out of the house. thy have no where to turn to but just to hide in peoples yard till the morning . All the abuse become effects on thy school work every 6 or4 months they go to different schools, I don’t no what to do anymore I decide to move out of my own house, and he stated to burn all my close and my I’d book . I didn’t have close that day to wear . I have noting .and i maid up my mind and move away I’ll even end up in a metal hospital . But I have to stay focus because of my children and finely I move on and come to my senses. and going in for a divorce . My divorce was in progress and two days before my divorce my husband was knock by a car and he died he was knock in pieces no head no arms no feet , and Finley I was a widow at the age of 30.and I’m 53 now. I still got a lot to share, My children become the best of the best .. They become top cops in the police severs . I’m not good in my spelling but I apologize .hope you put my word that I right in line , thanks so much for sharing my feelings .

        3. I’ve got this life story to tell to the people out there,cause its a heart breaking story,me my fiance and our unborn baby girl at the time had to flee from our place of birth due to gangsterism.

    111. Inspiring. Informative. Entertaining. Thanks so much for posting this article. It answers several of my long-standing questions and pushes me to publish some of my hallucinations and fantasies about the life I think I’ve lived, the life I would’ve/could’ve lived.

    112. A great post, Helena – thank you for your insights! And I have just realised that I had meant to pass you the name of my Finnish friend to read your book! (She too is married to an Englishman after a long-distant relationship..) I will email you separately – I’m so sorry for the long delay!

        1. Good morning Helena would you please email me from my email address,I now realise that I am a writer .I would be happy if you can be able to help me.
          Thank you
          Kind regards Vutivi Mashile

        2. I came across your blog as I was searching for information on how to begin this process and decided to reach out to you. After months of telling my family (who have been encouraging me to do this), I could never write my true life story, I caved. I am a single 29 year old mother of a soon to be 11 year old boy who went back to school leaving me with much free time as I am currently on disability as well. I’m sure by reading those two sentences alone you can see why I’m heading in this direction. I know that even if it wasn’t successful, it would be extremely therapeutic. Please email me if you have a chance, I’m interested to hear your input…I am also following you on twitter now as well! Thank you for your time!

        3. Hi Helena,
          Searching the internet I came across your blog. For years I wanted to write my life story and not just my story but my family story as well. As children we endure the war back in 1980 which end in 1989. How did you do it Helena? I’m in Canada now, any tips when it comes to publishing or writing?. I would like to begin writing children stories as well. P.S I’m an Early Childhood Educator and a parent of three wonderful boys.
          Thanks for reading my message!

          1. I was given away as a child I’m 45 been melessed. Lost 18 yr old son parner killed himself coz he was going to jail for beating me up had my child at just 16 .had 4 boys lost an 18 yr old hung himself an lost my grandson then my father I have no family but got a very true story to tell requards collette

        4. hi my name is Mylasha Campbell are waiting I am 23 year old want somebody need to look for real person who can help me write a book with my story my first time doing this like get help you can

        5. Dear Helena.

          Thankyou for your advice .Helena i wish to write my life story .I was a child in the care system from 3 years of age to 17 and 4 months and kicked out of care with chicken pots in a bedist with no family and no support.I was abused ,Groomed ,mentally ,emotionally Damaged,today i suffer with the issues i recived whiles in care,I have been involved with five investigations the two at the moment is Palial, by National crime agency and Lowell Goddard.

          Helena for the past 35 years i have been trying to get justice closer.I have had to deal with Cid Operation Goldfinch South Wales an officer took my statement to abuser and i gave 3 other names who abused children in 1994.

          Helena i have been pushed out of investigastion due to this officer and 2015 i had it reinvestigated issues that happend to me.I have also got one abuse case still being investigated 30 years on. Helena i recived no education ,i have re-educated myself to degree level in university Criminology Criminal Justice ,the purpose was to be heard and not be pushed to one side.Helena 1994 i was in a road traffic accident of duty police officer smashed into my car and damaged my spine top the fact i wear mophinb everyday through patch at 75mgs hour.Helena i have since carried on.I had my own newsagents,sold that 2008,then did fruit and veg on markets then went of to university after doing night school english and access course to socials science .I then got accepted in university but opend my shop instead as it was within a deprived area were i originated from and wanted to give the comminity their meeting point bacjk as well as convience Store.
          Helena today i still fight for justice closer .I ask authorities who were responsible for me to apologies to what happend to me and they said their insurance company has informed them not to.Helena its principal not about monis,but they have turned it intoo that.Helena as you can imagine i do suffer with mental health ie,ptsd and Bi Polor.

          Helena i want people to realise people with power monis will always have the last say,its wrong i am 49 years of age and yet to start my life while the abusers have had their lifes.I want to get my story out their as people need to see that Government and police and Ipcc and all these investigations are a waste of monis and they have forgot were the abuse was originally reported out of county with children from Clywd county council i was one of them kids,no education ,no family ,Christmas alone .Please could you advice me how to start my story please i would apprititate so much

          Regards Justice

          1. hey taz my name is Blackdymen I was browsing this site for information on how to self publish a book and surprisingly your story stuck out to me I know you don’t know me but please believe what has been mentioned…needs to be said ……I can relate to you on a variety of aspects of your life but has chose to leave them out ….being afraid that mentioning such thing will sort of misconstrue my message to you don’t let unjustified things of anyone cause you to become silenced, I feel that you book is very interested and could possible help others. wisdom is what you have and its a miracle that you are still sane enough to tell your story….sometime we have to trust our own agency(the reasons why and for what do we feel this way….?)it usually pinpoints something that the mouth will never mention. I am currently I’m looking for an writing space site where I can keep all my writings until published. Good luck on the book

        6. Hi Helena I’m a 60 year old lady since a child my horrid past life haunts me .I’ve been from hands to hands with sexuael abuse my mam gave me away the age of 15 to a dirty perverted sidiscate beast my own children turned on me and I was a great mother o how I loved them so much. They see him now he abused my daughter there’s just so much to say here my heart is tore apart I’m just wondering could I get a publisher to rite a book on my past life just to be heard as I’ve gone to long with the pain of all I’m just afraid give my name over my family Helena what shall I do thanking u

      1. I was given away as a child I’m 45 been melessed. Lost 18 yr old son parner killed himself coz he was going to jail for beating me up had my child at just 16 .had 4 boys lost an 18 yr old hung himself an lost my grandson then my father I have no family but got a very true story to tell requards collette

        1. I start a drawing and I begin to imagine. I am continually pulverizing the drawing’s the norm. I surmise you could state I practice my very own type of burglary. I harm reality, generally its like kissing without utilizing your tongue. I can’t cook a burger without disturbing it… Before, frequently I set down everything in a practical manner, yet now, I have less tolerance for authenticity, my heart is excessively full. I have to discharge more feeling. I need more feeling and that impedes authenticity.

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