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Writing Advice From The Indie Author Fringe (IAF) 2017

Writing Advice from the Indie Author Fringe (IAF) 2017

As indie authors everywhere reflect on what they achieved in 2017 and plan for greater self-publishing success in 2018, it's a good time to revisit the wealth of information, advice and guidance available via our 2017 Indie Author Fringe (IAF).

IAF is a series of free online, 24-hour conferences, with round-the-clock sessions led by experts in their fields, sharing best self-publishing practice from around the world.

Today, in our usual “Writers' Wednesday” slot on this blog, we're sharing links to the best posts about Writing Advice from our March conference. Whether you missed them first time round, or whether you'd like to remind yourself what you learned first time round, to inspire you for your new writing year, they're all still available for you to catch up with, for free, here:

You can also see the complete agenda here:

Sharpen your #writing craft in 2018 with these #toptips from @indieauthoralli's #IAF conference Share on X

OVER TO YOU What's YOUR top tip on writing craft that you've learned in 2017? We'd love to know!


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