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Setting The Right Price For A Book

Setting the Right Price for a Book: Why Many Authors Undervalue Their Work

Setting the right price for a book is one of the biggest challenges for self-published authors. Many look at what others in their genre are charging and try to match those prices, but this approach can undervalue their work. Some authors price low out of fear that readers won’t pay more, while others feel pressure to keep their books cheap in a market where free and heavily discounted e-books are common. But as we’ll explore in this post, much more than price goes into a reader’s decision to buy a book.
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Your Author Website Title Image: Graphic Image Of Author Website And Cogs

What Sells Books in 2022: How to Make a Great Author Website

If you’ve managed to build and launch a basic website to support your indie author business, congratulations! Your website is the cornerstone of your author brand and book marketing efforts. However, there’s a strong possibility it could work harder for you. That's what we're discussing in today's post. The Alliance of Independent Authors welcomes partner member and website designer, Pauline Wiles. 
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