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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Sarah Ziegel

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Sarah Ziegel – Mom Helps Other Parents Navigate Kids’ Autism

My ALLi author guest this episode is Sarah Ziegel, who has four children with autism. Sarah successfully navigated through the educational system to get the best care for her kids. It's that success that brought questions from other parents. So, to answer the many questions they had, she's published two books on navigating through the emotional, educational, and legal landscape of autism.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Katlyn Duncan

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Katlyn Duncan. Time Management Tips For Juggling Family, Work and an Author Career

My ALLi author guest this episode is Katlyn Duncan, an author who juggles many roles. She's a mother, a full-time worker, a writer of thrillers and nonfiction advice books for other indie authors. She is also both a traditional and self-published author. How does she keep up with her many roles? I'll let Katlyn Duncan tell her story.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Maria Riegger

Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Maria Riegger: Lawyer Turns Childhood Trauma into Parenting Books, Helps Indie Authors Navigate Legal Landscape

My ALLi author guest this episode is Maria Riegger, who has many moving parts to her career, some of which might even seem at odds with one another. For example, she's a lawyer who is also very much into astrology. She also used her own childhood trauma to launch a series of parenting books so other children would not suffer the way she did. And she uses her legal expertise to help other indie publishers navigate issues like copyright law.
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Self-Publishing through Personal Struggles

The last year has been exhausting, and difficult for millions if not billions of people. But there are so many people who have personal struggles on a day to day basis without the added pressures of global pandemics. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is talking to some of our members who have continued publishing through personal struggles. We listen to their inspirational stories and find out how they've overcome their struggles to publish. With thanks to Angeline Trevena, Jack Lench, Rachel McLean and Debbie Young for their contributions to this post.
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