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International Insights: Amazon

International Insights: Amazon

For the next edition of the Alliance of Independent Authors International Insights hosted by Mark Williams of The New Publishing Standard, we’re moving on to the giant that is Amazon. If you missed our introduction series to global book markets, you can read them here: Africa, India and China markets in Asia, the Middle East North Africa markets, the Ibero-America markets, the Asia-Pacific markets and the European markets, and also a special edition on the English-language markets. This is international insights: Amazon edition.
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International Insights for Indie Authors: Asian Markets

The AskALLi team is super excited to announce a new series of blogs starting today. The Alliance of Independent Authors is a global organisation and wants to honour that by bringing you a series of global facing blogs. With a huge thanks to Mark Williams of The New Publishing Standard who is bringing his expertise and experience to contribute to these posts. This is the International Insights for Indie Authors series and today's post is all about the Asian markets.
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