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Lean Publishing

Lean Publishing for Beginner Authors, With Orna Ross and Dan Parsons: Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast

In this episode: lean publishing for beginner authors. If you’re an author who writes for pleasure, you can write for yourself but if you’re an indie author, you're also a publisher, and so your book(s) must also please readers. Lean publishing is one way of achieving that, using social media or other methods to publish a book-in-progress and, based on reader feedback and digital metrics, improve its chances of success as you write.
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Writing Craft

An Overview of the Writing Craft, With Orna Ross and Dan Parsons: Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast

Mastering the writing craft is a foundational skill for indie authors and, if you want to earn your living as an author and publisher of books, you have to master not just quality but productivity. In this Foundational Self-Publishing Advice Podcast, Orna Ross and Dan Parsons set up the basics that ensure your production process supports your writing craft.
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Comparable Authors

How to Improve Your Publishing Business With Comparable Authors, With Orna Ross and Dan Parsons: Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast

In today’s episode, Orna Ross and Dan Parsons discuss the importance of comparable authors and how understanding them can help you reach more readers and sell more books. When many authors write their first book, they don’t consider where it will be shelved or categorized by retailers. Nor do they consider the financial consequences of its tone and packaging. As business-minded creatives, however, we need to consider how our books compare to others in our genre, niche, and microniche.
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