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2021 So Far: Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast, With Orna Ross, Sacha Black, And Dan Parsons

2021 So Far: Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast, with Orna Ross, Sacha Black, and Dan Parsons

We're taking a podcast break during the month of August, so instead we'll bring you what we've covered so far on our 2021 Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross, Sacha Black, and Dan Parsons. Below are some of the highlights, with links to the full podcasts, videos, and transcripts. We'll return in September with new episodes.

Nine Characteristics of a Successful Self-Publishing Mindset

Authors Sacha Black and Orna Ross, using personal examples from their own experience running their author businesses, outline nine self-publishing mindset principles that cultivate sustainable success in the January 2021 Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast.

Listen to, Watch, and Read the Podcast Here

Why Indie Authors Think Long Term

In the February 2021 Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast, Sacha Black and Orna Ross look at what it means when indie authors think long term. When you start out in indie publishing, it’s hard to think past the mountainous goal of just publishing your first book. But thinking long term is what transforms the ability to write words into a prosperous business. Orna and Sacha dive into the wide publishing model, IP rights, investing your profits, ownership of websites and mailing lists, and much more to help you establish, maintain, and grow your creative business.

Listen to, Watch, and Read the Podcast Here

How to Launch a Self-Published Book

Do you want to know how to launch a self-published book? It is the most exciting moment in an author’s journey, but it can also be confusing, even overwhelming. The strategy options seem endless but which ones are right for you? How far in advance should you plan? And how much will it all cost? Join Orna Ross and Sacha Black in the March 2021 Foundational Self-Publishing Advice podcast as they guide you toward a memorable book launch that fittingly celebrates all your hard work while driving interest and sales.

Listen to, Watch, and Read the Podcast Here

Creative Self-Publishing: Your Books Your Way

In the April 2021 Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast: to mark the launch of the 2nd edition of ALLI’s guide to Creative Self-Publishing, Sacha Black interviews Orna Ross about the things she wished she’d known about self-publishing when she was starting out and how to carve out your own unique self-publishing pathway.

Listen to, Watch, and Read the Podcast Here

Bare Bones Publishing for Beginner Indie Authors

Orna Ross and Sacha Black outline bare bones basics of book publishing and promotion. Yes, in an ideal world you hire a professional editor, cover designer, and marketing assistant. In reality, when starting out, most indie authors find both time and money are in short supply. So what’s essential, and what can you skip for now Tune in to to the May 2021 Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast find out the minimum that an aspiring indie author must have in place to satisfy their readers—and the government.

Listen to, Watch, and Read the Podcast Here

How to Improve Your Publishing Business With Comparable Authors

In the June 2021 edition of the Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast, Orna Ross and Dan Parsons discuss the importance of comparable authors and how understanding them can help you reach more readers and sell more books. When many authors write their first book, they don’t consider where it will be shelved or categorized by retailers. Nor do they consider the financial consequences of its tone and packaging. As business-minded creatives, however, we need to consider how our books compare to others in our genre, niche, and microniche.

Listen to, Watch, and Read the Podcast Here

Author: Howard Lovy

Howard Lovy is an author, book editor, and journalist. He is also the Content and Communications Manager for the Alliance of Independent Authors, where he hosts and produces podcasts and keeps the blog updated. You can find more of his work at https://howardlovy.com/


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