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Three Guiding Publishing Values

The Three Guiding Publishing Values: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross

In her final episode on the Creative Self-Publishing stream of the Self-Publishing Advice & Inspirations podcast, Orna Ross outlines the relationship between publishing models and marketing models for indie authors. There are three guiding publishing values: productivity, connection, and originality—and knowing your top publishing value gives you the framework for your marketing. This episode guides you through.
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Multi-Genre Author

Overcoming the Challenges of Being a Multi-Genre Author: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross

This episode focuses on the unique challenges faced by multi-genre authors in the self-publishing sector. ALLi Director Orna Ross provides practical solutions and personal examples for targeting different readers, establishing a cohesive brand, maintaining quality across genres, managing reader expectations, and building genre-specific expertise, along with tips for optimizing your time.
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Creative Mission

Using Your Creative Mission to Discover Your Publishing Purpose: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross and Howard Lovy

On the Creative Self-Publishing Podcast, ALLi Director Orna Ross discusses how to use your creative mission to discover your publishing purpose. Using reflective exercises and free writing, Orna will help you answer: What kind of difference do you want to make as a self-publishing author? What do you want to be known for? Together, we'll illuminate your creative mission. Grab your pen and paper, and let's begin this exciting journey of discovery.
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Creative Passion

Use Your Creative Passion to Discover Your Niche: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross and Howard Lovy

On the Creative Self-Publishing Podcast, ALLi Director Orna Ross and News and Podcast Producer Howard Lovy discuss using your creative passion to discover your genre, niche, and micro-niche. We all have something specific that inspires us. But we need to translate that inspiration into defining our specific categories so readers can find us. That, in turn, can fire up our creativity.
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Publishing Resistance

The Seven Signs of Publishing Resistance: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross and Howard Lovy

On the Creative Self-Publishing Podcast, ALLi Director Orna Ross and News and Podcast Producer Howard Lovy discuss the seven signs of writing resistance and block. As you plan your creative expansion and set about putting your plans into action, you will meet resistance. This is inevitable, part of the process, and not a personal weakness or a sign that you should give up. Orna breaks down how to identify the different forms of resistance.
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Three Models Of Independent Publishing

The Three Models of Independent Publishing: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross and Howard Lovy

On the Creative Self-Publishing Podcast, ALLi Director Orna Ross and News and Podcast Producer Howard Lovy discuss the three models of independent publishing. They are volume publishing, engagement publishing, and craft publishing. Each model comes with its own priorities and values that affect every aspect of the publishing process, from production to promotion. Orna details how each model works.
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How To Spend Your Time

How to Spend Your Time, Energy, and Money: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross and Howard Lovy

On the Creative Self-Publishing Podcast, ALLi Director Orna Ross and News and Podcast Producer Howard Lovy talk about where to spend your time, energy, and money. Indie publishers juggle many roles as they write, publish, and market their work, plus hold down other jobs to pay the bills. Sometimes, it can seem overwhelming. In this episode, Orna answers questions on how to prioritize and focus on the most meaningful aspects of your indie author business.
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Creativity And Inspiration

On Sundays, ALLi’s Podcasts Focus on Creativity and Inspiration

On Sundays, ALLi's podcasts focus on creativity and inspiration. The inspiration comes from Howard Lovy's interviews with indie authors. They not only talk about their work, but tell the stories of their lives and how they became successful indie authors. The creativity comes from ALLi Director Orna Ross. Howard interviews Orna about how to build an author business while retaining your unique, creative voice. She discusses topics such as creative play and rest, and how to build your publishing team. Below are a few examples of some of our best Sunday podcasts in 2022.
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Annual Planning

Annual Planning For Your Indie Author Business: Creative Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross and Howard Lovy

On the Creative Self-Publishing Podcast, we'll talk about annual planning for your indie author business. It's the end of the year, so it's time to think about what 2023 is going to look like. But it's not as daunting a task as it may seem. The way to do it is to break the year down into manageable chunks. And here to guide us along are ALLi Director Orna Ross and News and Podcast Producer Howard Lovy.
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