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Should I Copyright My Book? Your Indie Author Copyright Questions Answered

In this Alliance of Independent Authors post we'll explore some common indie author copyright questions. From whether copyrighting your work is even necessary, to whether using a trademarked name in your book is possible. If these FAQs get you thinking, you’ll find more information about ALLi’s book 150 Self-Publishing Questions Answered at the end of this post.
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Indie Authors Need to Talk About… Copyright

The indie author's ability to make a living from writing books rests on the concept and laws of copyright. And indie authors can get very heated when they feel that right is being violated, whether by another person, or a machine. Is copyright broken in the digital age? Should we ditch it and start again. Today, the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team begins with a new first series article. Orna Ross and Dan Holloway give us their opinions and tell us why indie authors need to talk about... copyright. 
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