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What Sells Books in 2022: Kobo Writing Life

If there's one thing we can always be assured of, it's that marketing tactics and methods will be in a constant state of flux. Fads come and go, social media platforms come and go, advertising runs in cycles. Which is why the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is running a series of "What Sells Books in 2022" posts to bring you the most up to date tactics and tools for your writing business. This is What Sells Books in 2022: Kobo Writing Life.
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Book Self Publishing 2021

Publishing Wide: Alternative Book Sales Outlets For Authors

The Alliance of Independent Authors advises self-publishing authors to publish and distribute their books as widely as possible for a number of reasons. If you'd like to understand more about the wide mindset, you can read our ultimate guide to publishing wide here. Today, though, we're diving into alternative book sales outlets you can use to sell your books.
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The Ultimate Guide to Finishing a Series

Authors, publishers and readers love series – authors because it’s easier to write each new book in the same world as the first one, publishers because it’s much easier and more profitable to market and sell a sequel to a successful book than a standalone, and readers because if they discover a series they like, they will read them all. Each new book feels like a homecoming. But as an indie author, how do you know when to call a halt to a successful series and move on? Debbie Young, who has just completed her seven-book Sophie Sayers Village Mystery series, gleans top tips on finishing a series from ALLi author members.
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