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Diversity Grows In Book Awards

Diversity Grows for Book Award Categories: Book Award Update May 2024

As an independent author, it is vital to stay on top of the latest developments impacting the book publishing industry. One major positive shift is the increasing diversity represented in book award categories. In this Alliance of Independent Authors post, we'll take a look at how the literary world is becoming more diverse and how this is changing the book awards landscape. Welcome to the Book Award Update May 2024 with Hannah Jacobson from Book Award Pro.
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Book Awards March 2024

Book Award Update For Indie Authors: March 2024 – Avoiding Common Pitfalls

As an independent author, having your labor of love recognized with a prestigious book award can feel like the ultimate validation of your talents and hard work. However, the road to literary accolades is filled with potential potholes that can derail your chance at success if you're not careful. In this Book Award Update March 2024, we'll explore some of the most common mistakes indie authors make when entering book awards—and how to avoid them.
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