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Self-Publishing Marketing And Promotion Advice: Best Blogs 2024

Self-Publishing Marketing and Promotion Advice: Best Blogs 2024

Another year has zipped by, and December is here! Over the course of the month, we’ll be revisiting the standout posts from the Alliance of Independent Authors blog. If you’ve missed any of our weekly insights, advice, or case studies, no need to worry—we’ll be wrapping them all up for you. This week, we’re starting with a roundup of 2024’s top self-publishing marketing and promotion tips featured on the blog.

Beyond the Gold Seal: Leveraging Book Awards for Indie Author Marketing

Self-Publishing MarketingIndependent authors aren't just writers; you are also your own marketing team. In the vast sea of books published each year, it's crucial to find ways to make your work stand out. One powerful tool in your marketing arsenal is book awards. Let's explore how you can use these accolades to raise your book's profile and reach more readers. Book Award Adviser Hannah Jacobson discusses leveraging book awards. She shares how indie authors can use book awards to boost their book's visibility and credibility. She offers practical tips on leveraging awards in your marketing strategy.

Marketing Strategies for Authors in 2024: Insights and Success Stories from the Field

Self-Publishing MarketingIn 2024, the landscape of book marketing continues to shift, requiring authors to stay adaptable and explore new strategies to reach their readers. This post examines some of the most effective marketing strategies currently in use, including content marketing, webinars, TikTok, Amazon Marketing Services (AMS), and in-person events. As authors seek to build their audiences, understanding what's working now is more important than ever. This post features contributions and case studies from authors. Their experiences offer practical insights into the marketing tactics that are driving success this year.

Maximizing Your Earnings: Speaking as an Income Stream for Authors

Self-Publishing MarketingSpeaking engagements offer a powerful avenue for indie authors to generate income, expand their reach, and build their brands. While the speaking circuit can be daunting initially, it has proven to be highly lucrative for some. Authors like Mel Robbins and Tony Robbins, who command six-figure fees for their appearances, are prime examples of how successful speaking as an income stream can be. For many writers, the prospect of making substantial earnings through speaking gigs might seem distant, yet with the right strategies, even those new to the scene can carve out a profitable niche. On this advice post, we'll look more closely at this potential income stream.

How to Get Your Indie Book into Schools

Self-Publishing Marketing Have you ever dreamed about getting your books into schools? Ever wondered how to do it? Guest blogger David H. Hendrickson, award-winning author and writer of How to Get Your Book into Schools and Double Your Income with Volume Sales, shares his top tips for getting your indie books into schools. This post covers a wide range of advice, from how to make contact with schools to promotional options, timings and discounts.

How to Market a Memoir

Self-Publishing MarketingAs an independent author, the task of marketing your memoir may leave you wondering “Now that my story is written, how do I get it out there?” But with the right strategies, you can build a marketing plan that will reach your readers and boost your book sales. In this post, we share nine questions you can ask yourself to build a successful marketing plan for your memoir. We feature tips and case studies from two top indie memoir writers who share what’s worked for them: Rachael Herron and Roz Morris.


What Do I Do When a Book Launch Is Over?

Self-Publishing MarketingCongratulations on publishing your book! As an indie author, the journey doesn't end with hitting “publish.” In fact, it's just the beginning of a new adventure. After a book launch, it's crucial to maintain momentum, build your brand, and lay the groundwork for future success. In this blog post, we cover key steps you should consider to make the most of your book launch and beyond.


Book Tours in 2024: Eight Options for Indie Authors

We explore how indie authors can update the traditional model of book tour promotion to increase the visibility of our work. In this post, we take a closer look at the options you can keep in your toolkit to build a book tour that suits your time, budget and preferences.

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    This Post Has One Comment
    1. For independent writers, this is a fantastic resource! I’m eager to explore the most effective marketing techniques of 2024. I appreciate you gathering these observations, and I’m eager to see what treasures I might have overlooked.

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