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Started As Indie Authors

What We Wish We Knew When We Started as Indie Authors, With Orna Ross and Dan Parsons: Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast

Today on the #AskALLi Foundational Self-Publishing podcast: What we wish we knew when we started as indie authors. To celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the Alliance of Independent Authors, ALLi Director Orna Ross and Production Manager Dan Parsons discuss all the things they wish they knew when they first started out as authors.
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3 Things Indie Authors Should Stop Saying

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me... a well known phrase, and yet we indies sometimes get caught up in all kinds of "they said" and "we should because." But should we? Did they? For every six figure indie who is in KU, there's another wide. For every indie in the romance genre there's another making it in a niche. So why do we keep saying nonsensical things? Today the Alliance of Independent Authors gives you the three things indies should stop saying.
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