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Productivity For Authors – How To Write And Publish Often And Well: Mark McGuinness

Productivity for Authors – How to Write and Publish Often And Well: Mark McGuinness

Session Sponsored by Nuance

The Makers of Dragon Professional Voice Recognition Software


markmcguinnessIf you struggle to find time for your writing and publishing amid the demands and distractions of 21st century life, this session is for you! Mark will help you carve out time consistently, while still managing all the other important commitments in your life.

#IAF16 Actionable Productivity for Author Tips @markmcguinness bit.ly/2dgTZJO #Indieauthorfringe Share on X

Click here to find out more about Mark McGuinness

Session Giveaway from Mark

productivity_bookcoverMy new book, Productivity for Creative People, has just been published – and I’m giving it to you for free.

You can pick up a free copy of the ebook edition from AmazonAppleKoboBarnes & NobleGoogle Play and Smashwords.

How to get creative work done in an “always on” world

Session Sponsor Giveaway from Nuance (Dragon)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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