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Self-Publishing Facts And Figures

New Self-Publishing Facts and Figures Released

Following the world’s first independent and international survey of the incomes of self-published (“indie”) authors, commissioned by ALLi and presented at the London Book Fair in April 2023, which showed that self-published authors earn more than authors with traditional publishers, two further reports are now available, offering authors even more facts and figures on self-publishing so that they can make confident business choices.
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Writing A Series

Writing a Series With Dan Parsons and Melissa Addey: Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast

In today's Beginners Self-Publishing Podcast: writing a series. Oscar Wilde, Emily Brontë, and Silvia Plath only wrote one book. History tells us it’s possible to “make it” with just one title, but is that still true today? Generally, no. It can happen, but most modern authors need a series for a range of reasons. In this episode, ALLi’s Product Marketing Manager Dan Parsons and Campaigns Manager Melissa Addey discuss why series help authors build a business. Plus, they outline the forms series can take and explore a range of tips authors can use to maximize the value of a series.
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Short Fiction

Matty Dalrymple and Mark Lefebvre: Reaching More Readers with Your Short Fiction — Self-Publishing Conference Highlight

In this Self-Publishing Conference Highlight, authors and educators Matty Dalrymple and Mark Lefebvre explore ways writers can use their short fiction to connect with more readers, while generating income at the same time. Opportunities in anthologies, foreign language markets, and audio, as well as effective use of short fiction as reader magnets or reader funnels are covered, alongside creative ideas such as incorporating short fiction in location-based apps, or using micro-fiction as part of your bookstore pitches.
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