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Book Self Publishing 2021

Publishing Wide: Alternative Book Sales Outlets For Authors

The Alliance of Independent Authors advises self-publishing authors to publish and distribute their books as widely as possible for a number of reasons. If you'd like to understand more about the wide mindset, you can read our ultimate guide to publishing wide here. Today, though, we're diving into alternative book sales outlets you can use to sell your books.
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Ankur Mahajan

Author Interview with Ankur Mahajan: Book Captures Rich Cultures in War Zones — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My ALLi author guest this week is Ankur Mahajan, who turned his childhood desire to travel into a career of working to help people who live in war zones like Afghanistan. Along the way, he learned all the rich subtleties of foreign cultures. In his book, Life Beyond Bullets, Ankur wanted readers to walk away with a sense of what it's like to live in these beautiful places, and perhaps get a feel for what they're like in peacetime. 
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Julie Gray

Author Interview with Julie Gray: Unlikely Friendship with Holocaust Survivor Leads to Book, Documentary — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My ALLi author guest this week is Julie Gray, a writer who was fleeing grief after the death of a family member. In fact, she fled from California to Israel, where she found a new chapter in her life story and an unlikely friend in a Holocaust survivor. She decided to take a chance and write his story as kind of an extension of her own, and found not only great success as an indie author, but Netflix is producing a documentary about her. It's a fascinating journey that only Julie Gray can best tell.
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Tom Evans

Author Interview With Tom Evans: Former BBC Sound Engineer Taps Into Cosmic Creativity — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My ALLi author guest this week is Tom Evans, a former BBC sound engineer who discovered that he could do much more than manipulate music and vocals. He can try to reverse-engineer the brain and figure out how to tap into creativity itself. The result was an indie publishing career that covers everything from hypnotherapy to metaphysics to fiction about the end of the world. And all with a cosmic soundtrack. I'll let the author and composer tell you the rest. 
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