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Interactive Storytelling

Interactive Storytelling Opportunities for Authors, With Amy Stapleton — Self-Publishing Conference Highlight

The voice interactive storytelling technology powering Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant can transform an audiobook into a two-way conversation between the narrator and the listener. Chatables is pioneering a new type of conversational storytelling that uses voice technology to engage story lovers in exciting new ways. Amy Stapleton describes the market, the opportunities for authors, and how you can easily get your stories published on voice assistants.
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The Ultimate Guide to Comparison Authors, Genres and Tropes

Comparison often gets a bad rap. But there are times when comparing in order to understand a genre and the expectations a reader will have of you and whether or not you've met those expectations are actually really important. Today's post dives into the nitty gritty of what you should be comparing to help your author business succeed. This is the ultimate guide to comparison authors, genres and tropes.
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Voice Technology

Voice Technology, AI, and Other Important Tools for Authors, with Bradley Metrock — Self-Publishing Conference Highlight

Bradley Metrock, author, broadcaster and publishing thought leader, outlines the latest developments in voice technology, artificial intelligence and other important emerging tools for author-publishers. At the end of the session you will be informed about new possibilities and opportunities opening up for you and where your books fit in.
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The Ultimate Guide to SEO and Findability for Indie Authors

SEO is one of those acronyms that strikes fear into the heart of non-techy authors. We may know it stands for Search Engine Optimization and that it's key to our websites and books being found by readers but we may not have the first clue how to go about it, or even why it's important. And while there is a lot of advice for making straight how-to, non-fiction findable, literary writing poses particular challenges. This is the Alliance of Independent Authors no-coding required, Ultimate Guide to SEO and Findability for Indie Authors. Our thanks to Penny Sansevieri of Author Marketing Experts, Michele DeFilippo for contributions to this post.
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Nimble Advantage

The Nimble Advantage: Indie Authors in an Era of Accelerating Change: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Joanna Penn

What is the "nimble advantage" for indie authors? Are you feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about your author business? Fed up with technology and constant change? In this overview of what’s changing for indie authors Orna Ross and Joanna Penn focus on the mindset we need to adopt and the practicalities we need to know, so we can surf the change and benefit, instead of drowning in it.
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