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Lean Publishing

Lean Publishing for Beginner Authors, With Orna Ross and Dan Parsons: Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast

In this episode: lean publishing for beginner authors. If you’re an author who writes for pleasure, you can write for yourself but if you’re an indie author, you're also a publisher, and so your book(s) must also please readers. Lean publishing is one way of achieving that, using social media or other methods to publish a book-in-progress and, based on reader feedback and digital metrics, improve its chances of success as you write.
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Technologies For Authors

New Opportunities and Technologies for Authors: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Joanna Penn

So far, 2021 has seen an acceleration in emerging technologies for authors, including NFTs on blockchain and voice technologies for audio. In this month's #AskALLi Advanced Self-Publishing Salon, Orna Ross and Joanna Penn explain what these technologies mean for authors and the publishing industry and dispel some of the misinformation, fear, and doubt in the community.
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Bare Bones Publishing Advice

Bare Bones Publishing for Beginner Indie Authors, With Sacha Black and Orna Ross: Foundational Self-Publishing Podcast

Orna Ross and Sacha Black outline the bare bone basics of book production and promotion. Yes, in an ideal world you hire a professional editor, cover designer, and marketing assistant. In reality, when starting out, most indie authors find both time and money are in short supply. So what’s essential, and what can you skip for now?
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Book Self Publishing 2021

Publishing Wide: Alternative Book Sales Outlets For Authors

The Alliance of Independent Authors advises self-publishing authors to publish and distribute their books as widely as possible for a number of reasons. If you'd like to understand more about the wide mindset, you can read our ultimate guide to publishing wide here. Today, though, we're diving into alternative book sales outlets you can use to sell your books.
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