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Exclusive Ingram Tour For ALLi Members At Digital Book World

Exclusive Ingram Tour for ALLi Members at Digital Book World

Ingram logo to denote Ingram tour

Here's a bonus for ALLi members visiting Digital Book World in October – an exclusive Ingram tour!

As part of a series of events for indie authors this fall, we're delighted to extend to ALLi members attending Digital Book World (October 2-4, 2018) an exclusive invitation to tour Ingram's nearby printing plant.

The tour will take place on October 5, 2018 from 9am through 2pm at Ingram Content Group, 14 Ingram Blvd, Nashville, Tennessee. On-site parking will be available.

With places limited to 100, we expect this event to be fully subscribed. Advance booking is essential to avoid disappointment, as well as for security reasons.

The Ingram Tour Program

9 am                     Welcome – Orna Ross

9:30                      IngramSpark: Print on Demand and Publishing

—Robin Cutler, Director of IngramSpark

10:30                    Indie Authors and Marketing–Julie Schoerke, JKS Communications

11:00                    How to Market to Bookstores–Josh Floyd, IngramSpark

11:30                    Metadata and Pricing Strategies—Pam Dover, IngramSpark

Noon- 12.45        Lunch

1:00 – 2:00         Lightning Source Facility Tour

Booking Deadline

Please confirm your attendance no later than 19 September as tours must be arranged at least two weeks in advance for catering and transport purposes. Please use the link at the end of this post to reserve your place.

Essential Requirements to Join the Ingram Tour

Shelves in shape of word READ full of books on Ingram tour route

An essential part of the Ingram tour experience – have your photo taken in front of its famous Read wall of books!

For reasons of health and safety and confidentiality, you must comply with these essential requirements on the tour:

  • Close-toe shoes must be worn on the tour of the print facility for health and safety reasons.
  • Photographs of the print floor and machinery are not allowed.
  • All must sign a nondisclosure agreement before touring the print floor.
  • No one under the age of 18 is allowed to tour the print floor.

Booking Link

If you're going to DBW and would like to book a place on this exclusive tour, please use this booking form on our conference website. 

For more information about ALLi's other plans at DBW, read this previous post by our AskALLi Conference organiser, Alexa Bigwarfe.

For more information about how to join ALLi, visit our membership website: www.allianceindependentauthors.org.

#Indieauthors - are you going to @DigitBookWorld? If you're an @IndieAuthorALLi member, you're invited on this exclusive free tour of @IngramContent! Booking form via link. Share on X

From the ALLi Author Advice Center Archive


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