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ALLi’s Great Deals For Indie Authors Attending Digital Book World (DBW)

ALLi’s Great Deals for Indie Authors Attending Digital Book World (DBW)

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Digital Book World offers a wealth of interest and inspiration for indie authors

Alexa Bigwarfe, Manager of ALLi's Self-publishing Advice Conference (SPACon) – our free online event that takes place twice a year for indie authors all over the world – reports on a great new deal that ALLi has lined up for indies planning to attend the Digital Book World (DBW) event in Nashville this coming October (2-4). Our second #SELFPUBCon of 2018 is timed to tie in with DBW. Here she whets your appetite for both events with news of a terrific special offer we have engineered for ALLi members and other indie authors who plan to attend.


headshot of Alexa Bigwarfe

Alexa Bigwarfe, #ALLiSPACon organiser shares the latest news about our next free online conference – and our deal with Digital Book World

ALLi has partnered with Digital Book World (DBW) for our fall conference and we will be bringing the Indie Presence for the first time to Nashville!

Orna went to bat on behalf of Indies and got:

  • a discount of over $1,000 for ALLi members
  • a significant discount for friends of ALLi

To find out how you can get your steeply discounted ticket to DBW, please visit our conference website: www.selfpublishingadviceconference.com

Also, we have three scholarships available. DBW has been generous enough to provide three tickets to members who need a little extra help. You can get that information here as well.

And here's a cool bonus:

  • with each ticket you purchase, you have the opportunity to submit ten nominations for a book award, publisher award, and so on

But Act Fast – the DBW Deadline is Imminent!

The CEO of DBW, Bradley Metrock, has extended the deadline for Indies – anyone who purchases their ticket before 15 August will still get their free 10 nominations.

When I asked Bradley, just to make sure, that indie authors were allowed to submit to the DBW Book Awards, he said, “I don't distinguish between indie authors and traditionally published authors.” That was MUSIC to my ears!

So, go check out the information about DBW on the #SELFPUBcon website. We're planning all kinds of fun events, including a tour of the IngramSpark facility and some great indie-only educational events. We hope to see you in Nashville.

And if you can't make it to DBW, make sure you don't miss our Fall #SELFPUBcon, which will run online on October 6, 2018 for 24 hours, free of charge.

#SELFPUBcon logo#SELFPUBcon Guest Speakers Needed!

We're looking to fill our last few sponsorship and speaking slots. For more information about either option, or to volunteer, please email me at [email protected].

And remember, #SELFPUBcon is free for everyone to attend – so please help us spread the word and tell your indie author friends all about it!

#Indieauthors - here are some great offers just for you, from @IndieAuthorALLi, for this fall's @DigiBookWorld conference. Act fast to take advantage before the deadline! Share on X

Author: Alexa Bigwarfe

Alexa Bigwarfe is an author, speaker, and publisher. Her writing career began as a therapeutic journey after her infant daughter passed away at 2-days old. Her debut book, Sunshine After the Storm: A Survival Guide for the Grieving Mother, launched an unexpected career in publishing and author coaching. Her most recent book, Ditch the Fear and Just Write It! is a guide to help female entrepreneurs who know they want to write a book but need the push to get started. The Women in Publishing Summit is her third online summit for writers, but the first focused solely on women. www.writepublishsell.com


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