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Indie Author Fringe Newcomers: Read This First

Indie Author Fringe Newcomers: Read This First

Book Expo BEA 2017 IAF Logo

Here’s how to attend and get the most out of our FREE Online Author Conference. Read how to join in conversations with Sponsors and Speakers during the event.

How long is the Online BookExpo event?

  • Our Indie Author Fringe event is 24-hours long
  • We release a new Speaker Session at least once an hour and will continue doing that for 24 hours
  • Don't worry, we don't expect you to stay up all night. The sessions will continue to be available right here on our blog after the event, so you can catch up when you can.
  • It's 100% free to attend, thanks to the support of our speakers and sponsors.
Here's how to attend #IndieAuthorFringe bit.ly/IAFREAD Share on X

How do I attend Indie Author Fringe?

  • All sessions will appear on our blog.
  • Check-in throughout the day to see the latest sessions.
  • Sessions are mostly audio and video so get yourself a favorite drink and pen and paper to take notes.
What sessions are on the #IndieAuthorFringe agenda? bit.ly/IAFREAD Share on X

How do I know when Sessions are available to watch?

Click here to view the agenda:


Can I ask the Speakers & Sponsors Questions?

  • Visit the Speaker and Sponsor Booth on the day to join in the conversation. Post your questions and comments, and swap ideas with other indie authors.

Visit the Hot Seat (Speaker and Sponsor Booth)

  • Or, post your questions and comments on the actual session page.
  • Or, use #IndieAuthorFringe + the speaker's Twitter handle to post your question or feedback about their event on Twitter.
How to I enter the #IndieAuthorFringe giveaways? bit.ly/IAFREAD Share on X

How do I enter the Speaker Giveaways?

  • Our giveaways are part of each session. Once the session is live, click in to see whether the speaker is offering a giveaway. If yes, enter for your chance to win.
  • There’s lots of different ways to enter, and you can submit multiple entries for each giveaway.
  • You can enter the GIVEAWAYS up until Midnight Monday 5th June (London time)
  • Winners will be chosen at random via Gleam, and the winners will be notified next week.

How to I enter the Book Cover Competition?

  • The closing date and time for entries is at the start of the Indie Author Fringe Event at 10am (New York Time which is GMT-5) on Saturday June 3rd 2017.
  • You can view the Competition entries here.
Here's a summary of our #IndieAuthorFringe Sponsor Deals and Discounts bit.ly/IAFREAD Share on X

How do I take advantage of Sponsor Discounts & Giveaways?

  • Click on these sponsor promotional offers to visit their sponsor page and find out how to redeem their discounts.

IAF BookExpo IngramSpark Offer

IAF BookExpo BookBaby Offer

IAF BookExpo I Am Self-Publishing Offer

IAF BookExpo ListenUp Offer

IAF BookExpo Nielsen Offer

IAF BookExpo SelfPubBookCovers Offer

Want to Help us Spread the Word?

Let’s not keep all this self-publishing expertise to ourselves. Help us spread the word on your blogs and social media networks. Here’s how you can help…

If we haven’t answered your question about how to attend Indie Author Fringe …. leave us a comment below. We don’t want you to miss a thing!

Find out how to attend our FREE #IndieAuthorFringe Saturday 3rd #Selfpub bit.ly/IAFcentral Share on X


This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. So many wonderful speakers here. The information is excellent. I’m so happy I can listen to all of them at a later date because I have work today, Sunday, and yesterday I was only able to listen and absorb three. Is my understanding correct that they will stay posted on your blog? Is there a limited time fame?

    Thank-you to Alli and all the speakers for their time and willingness to share their knowledge.

    1. Wouldn’t that be wonderful. Unfortunately Book Expo axed all self-publishing education this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoozCacrMPo

      However, the good news is gold sponsor, Ingram Spark, is holding an event “Indie Author 101” at the Ingram Stand. So head on over there, if you have time!

      The Fringe events will be online for you to watch later.

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