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How To Reach More Readers And Make More Money From Your Books: Gabriel Mercer, Joanna Penn, Adam Croft

How To Reach More Readers And Make More Money From Your Books: Gabriel Mercer, Joanna Penn, Adam Croft

Session Sponsored by Draft2Digital

Gabriel mercerJoanna Penn Author Profileadam-hires-squareAn audio session from the London Book Fair Author HQ. Joanna Penn focuses on how to think about each book as a potential for multiple streams of income, as you write and produce it. Gabriel tells how to track what is working and what's not, so as to choose
publishing options that take most advantage of expanding global opportunities for your book(s). And Adam explains how developing a business mindset enabled him to become one of the biggest-selling self-published novelists in the world.

#IndieAuthorFringe How to Make More money @thecreativepenn @gmwrites @adamcroft #IARTG bit.ly/2lWCesE Share on X

You can find the slides for Joanna's part of the presentation at: http://www.thecreativepenn.com/lbf17/

Click here to find out more about Gabriel Mercer, Joanna Penn, Adam Croft


Joanna is giving away three e-book copies of “How to Make a Living with your Writing” Would you like to leave your job and make a living with your writing? This book will show you how.

Joanna Penn

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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