Debbie Young selects the best practical posts about book production and distribution from the ALLi 2018 archive
Compiling our traditional round-up of our top posts about distribution and production for indie authors hasn't been easy this year, writes Debbie Young, our blog editor, because there have been so many fantastic contributions from our membership, keen to share their advice. Thanks to all the authors and partner members who have been so generous with their time and expertise, as ever, to the benefit of the indie community.
Tasked with whittling down the posts to a digestible list of just 10 below, I decided to include those that were the most indispensable – the must-reads for indie authors everywhere.
Production Process
Distribution via Bricks-and-Mortar Bookstores
Insights from Production & Distribution Partners
Looking to the future
More Great Posts about Book Production & Distribution
There are plenty more great posts in this category, so if you'd like to read them all, just search this blog by the category “Book Production & Distribution” in the sidebar. As always, if there's a particular topic you'd like to learn more about, punch in the relevant keywords to the search box, or, if you're a paying member of ALLi, questions are always welcome over on our members-only forum.
10 must-read posts about book production & distribution for #indieauthors who want to make the most of global #selfpub opportunities - from the ALLi Author Advice Centre 2018 Archive, compiled by @DebbieYoungBN Share on X
So much good information here–thank you ALLi for all the wisdom you share and all the tips and ideas that help us indies to grow our book businesses. Happy New Year to you all!