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Are You Making These Common Fiction Writing Mistakes?: K.M. Weiland

Are You Making These Common Fiction Writing Mistakes?: K.M. Weiland

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The best way to get your novel right is to first know how to avoid getting it wrong. In this 60-minute session, award-winning fantasy author K.M. Weiland shares the top five mistakes authors make in creating their story worlds and building their plots.

#IndieAuthorFringe Are You Making These Common Fiction #Writing Mistakes? @KMWeiland bit.ly/2lWzW9I Share on X

Click here to find out more about K.M. Weiland


Your chance to win 1 print copy or one of (5) ebook copies of Creating Character Arcs: The Masterful Author's Guide to Uniting Story Structure, Plot, and Character Development (Helping Writers Become Authors Book 7). Have you written a story with an exciting concept and interesting characters—but it just isn’t grabbing the attention of readers or agents? It’s time to look deeper into the story beats that create realistic and compelling character arcs. Internationally published, award-winning novelist K.M. Weiland shares her acclaimed method for achieving memorable and moving character arcs in every book you write.

K.M. Weiland

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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