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Leveling Up

Leveling Up Your Publishing and Taking a New Turn: Publishing for Profit with Orna Ross and Shanaya Wagh

In this first episode of the new Publishing for Profit stream: Levelling up your publishing and taking a new turn. Orna Ross introduces Indian author Shanaya Wagh, aka Shana Frost, also an intern at the Alliance of Independent Authors. Both authors, at different stages in their publishing businesses, are leveling up. They discuss what led to their decision, how to know when a change is needed, and how to build a more profitable structure from what you’ve achieved already.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Katlyn Duncan

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Katlyn Duncan. Time Management Tips For Juggling Family, Work and an Author Career

My ALLi author guest this episode is Katlyn Duncan, an author who juggles many roles. She's a mother, a full-time worker, a writer of thrillers and nonfiction advice books for other indie authors. She is also both a traditional and self-published author. How does she keep up with her many roles? I'll let Katlyn Duncan tell her story.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Darby Harn

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Darby Harn. Sci-Fi Writer and Podcaster Overcomes Struggles With Autism to Find Success

My ALLi author guest this episode is Darby Harn, a science fiction writer whose work Publishers Weekly called an “entertaining debut that uses superpowers as a metaphor to delve into class politics in an alternate America.” He also cohosts a pop culture podcast. It has been a long road for Darby to get where he is while also struggling with autism.
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