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Opinion: Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet As An Indie Author

Opinion: Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet as an Indie Author

headshot of Debbie Young

ALLi Advice Center Manager Debbie Young shares some favourite Opinion posts from 2019



As we approach the year end, ALLi's Author Advice Center manager Debbie Young picks the Opinion posts from 2018 that she thinks will best help you prepare to make 2019 your most successful year yet as an indie author. 


When I give talks, I'm constantly saying there has never been a better time to be an author – and so it will be in 2019 too! So take time to catch up with the advice in these invaluable opinion posts, reading any you've missed during 2018, and revisiting those that particularly chime with your goals for 2019.

fortune cookie opening

(Photo: Elena Koycheva via Unsplash.com)

Running Your Author Business


Writing & Publishing

Book Marketing

Reading & Readers

And Finally…

Whatever else you do to prepare for a successful 2019, make sure you take a break and build up your creative, physical, mental and emotional energies!

Top advice for #indieauthors as they plan for a successful 2019 - @DebbieYoungBN picks the top Opinion Posts from the ALLi Author Advice Center blog. Let's make 2019 our best yet! Share on X


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