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How To Hold A Book Launch Event On A Zero Budget

How to Hold a Book Launch Event on a Zero Budget

Continuing our theme of partnership on the ALLi blog this month, British novelist Jane Davis describes how an unusual collaboration yielded great results for her: an effective launch event for her latest novel, with no expenditure and very little effort required on her part.

Headshot of Jane Davis

British indie author of seven novels, Jane Davis

In the past, with a combination of room-hire, over-zealous catering and generous discounting, I had made a loss on book launch events. And so when I saw that I had agreed to speak at a local church on the date I had earmarked for launch day, I decided not to alter my plans.

The second guest speaker was a window cleaner who had written a memoir, something different enough so that we were not in direct competition.

I was surprised how well the event had been advertised, not only in the parish newsletter, but also in the local press, libraries and museums, and with the local writers’ groups.

It was a regular coffee morning so people were well catered for, the church had its own sound man so I didn’t have to worry about bothersome technical stuff, and they had thoughtfully arranged for the chairperson from the local writers’ group to compere.

The local venue meant that there were no travel costs, there was no room hire, and I didn’t have to worry about bringing my own audience.

In fact, all I had to do was show up.

Cover of My Counterfeit SelfThe question was, would we sell books? There were over fifty attendees, plus organisers.

The majority bought books. I’m thrilled to say that some bought several. I think this shows that a less bookish venue can attract new and/or different readers.


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Inspiration for #authors with new books to launch: case study by @JaneDavisAuthor Share on X




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    Author: Jane Davis

    Jane Davis is the author of seven novels. Her debut, Half-truths and White Lies, won the Daily Mail First Novel Award and was described by Joanne Harris as ‘A story of secrets, lies, grief and, ultimately, redemption, charmingly handled by this very promising new writer.’ The Bookseller featured her in their ‘One to Watch’ section. Compulsion Reads describe Jane as ‘a phenomenal writer whose ability to create well-rounded characters that are easy to relate to feels effortless.’ Most recently, her novel ‘An Unknown Woman’ has been named Self Published Book of the Year 2016 by Writing Magazine and the DSJT Charitable Trust. Her favourite description of fiction is ‘made-up truth’. For further information, visit the author’s website at


    This Post Has 7 Comments
    1. I did something similar once for my first book. This was in 2007 when ebooks didn’t exist yet.
      In the local church hall I gave a presentation about the subject of my book (non-fiction with local interest) and afterwards the minster had organised that I could give the first book to the Dean, who happened to be a personal friend of him.
      Everyone was very impressed. There were about 50-60 people and I sold (and signed) about 100 books.
      Like you said, it didn’t cost me anything. On top of that it was loads of fun! 🙂

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