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You’ve Written It, Now Own It: Understanding Your Author Role: Jay Artale & Yen Ooi

You’ve Written it, now Own it: Understanding your Author role: Jay Artale & Yen Ooi


jay-yen-bwJay Artale and Yen Ooi help beginning authors understand the freedoms and responsibilities of self-publishing, what to DIY and what to outsource — and when.

Click to find out more about Jay Artale and Yen Ooi

#IAF16 You've Written it, now Own it. What’s your #Author role? @jayartale @yenooi bit.ly/2dwmvIo #indieauthorfringe Share on X

Links Mentioned in the Podcast

Here are links to the services and websites Yen and Jay mentioned in their podcast. This is by no means a definitive list of what's available to authors who are starting their own self-publishing journey, but a glimpse as some of the tools they have had first-hand experience at using.


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Alliance of Independent Authors Self-Publishing Services Directory

The Self-Publishing Service Directory is the annual showcase of vetted ALLi Partner Members that provide author services. These companies all comply with ALLi standards of ethics and excellence.

The Directory also features selected blog posts from the ALLi Self-Publishing Advice blog, which offers advice on assembling the perfect team of professionals to produce your books and literary projects.

Our publications manager, Helen Halme is currently working on the updated version of the directory, which will be available January 2017. It's available to view online, and ALLi members can download their copy in the Member Zone.

How to Choose a Self-Publishing Service

How to Choose a Self-publishing service by ALLi

Click for more information

This guide, compiled by the Watchdog team at The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), tells you all you need to know in order to choose the self-publishing pathway that’s right for you.

Drawing on recommendations from ALLi members, warnings from our Watchdog Services, other community word-of-mouth, and in-depth research, the book compares the most significant self-publishing services, from single service suppliers to package providers; from large big brand names to smaller sole traders; from off-the shelf providers to bespoke services.


This book:
~ Defines the questions you need to ask, whether you plan to go direct, use trade publishing as a service, or hire a full-package assisted service.
~ Tells you the good and bad signs to look for
~ Rates the most significant services, Amazon, Apple, IngramSpark, Kobo, Nook and other providers
~ Offers ALLi’s Code of Standards against which all services are rated.
~ Evaluates some of the emerging pathways to publication, including author co-operatives, crowdsourcing, agent assisted self-publishing, digital imprints and “hybrid” publishing models.

Want to be a Beta Tester for our free email course?

Self-Publishing for First-Time Indie Authors




We're building a self-publishing email education series aimed at First-Time authors, if you'd like to be part of our beta testing group, please sign up by clicking here.


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Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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