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What Can An Editor Do For Me? Roz Morris, Laxmi Hariharan, Ricardo Fayet, Andrew Lowe

What can an Editor do for Me? Roz Morris, Laxmi Hariharan, Ricardo Fayet, Andrew Lowe


Editing-PanelEditors are the secret, unsung nurturers of the book world. What do they do? How do they work with authors? How do you choose a good one? Do authors even need them?

This and many more insights into the editing world are discussed in this lively discussion with Roz Morris, Laxmi Hariharan, Ricardo Fayet and Andrew Lowe.

#IAF16 What can an Editor do for Me? @Roz_Morris @laxmi @reedsyhq @andylowe99 bit.ly/IAF172821 #selfpub Share on X

Click on a link to find out more about Roz Morris, Laxmi Hariharan, Ricardo Fayet & Andrew Lowe


Roz is giving away two print copies of “Nail Your Novel: Why Writers Abandon Books and how you can Draft, Fix and Finish With Confidence.” In 10 easy steps Nail Your Novel will tell you how to shape your big idea and make a novel out of it, how to do your research and how to use it, how to organise your time, how to plot and build characters, how to write on the days you don’t feel inspired, and how to reread what you’ve written and polish it.

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Laxmi is giving away an ebook box set of the first three books in the Many Lives series which includes The Ruby Iyer Diaries, The Many Lives of Ruby Iyer and The First Life of Vikram Roy.

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Ricardo is hosting an exclusive editing giveaway. The winner will get 50% off of an editorial assessment with any of their Reedsy editors. You just choose the one who best fits your book, and Reedsy will pay for half their fee!

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Andrew is giving away a signed paperback copy of his novel “The Ghost”, a dark, disturbing psychological thriller which shows how an ordinary man can be driven to do extraordinary things.

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    Author: Indie Author Fringe

    The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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