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Throwback Thursday  – #TBT Alli Member Opinions

Throwback Thursday – #TBT Alli Member Opinions

Throwback Thursday logoWelcome to Throwback Thursday at Alli, where we turn back the clock to highlight some of the great posts on this Publishing Platform?
Most are still totally relevant, others a bit dated, but that is part of the fun. We have so much great content to share that we don’t want to overwhelm you, so we will do it four posts at a time #humblebrag.

Today we look at a few more Opinions (from as far back as 2012) – it was really hard to select only four:

Why Indie (For Me) Means NOT Having A Publisher

By Dan Holloway on October 9, 2012

Steena Holmes recently wrote a post for this blog explaining how the great thing about being indie, for her, was having the freedom to have it both ways: to self-publish or trade publish, as it suits her. Here Dan Holloway explains why the step into trade publishing is one he won’t be taking — ever.

Is Exploiting Self-Publishing Authors To Be The New Publishing Model?

By Orna Ross on December 1, 2012

Is the new business model for publishers to be selling over-priced and under-performing services to writers?

My First Year In Self-Publishing (8,000 Sales On)

By James Calbraith on July 9, 2013

Polish-born British author James Calbraith condenses his experience of his first year as an indie author into five top tips that worked for him.

Why Indie Authors Need to Understand the Subculture of Amazon Reviewers

By Debbie Young on September 17, 2013

ALLi blog editor Debbie Young pitches into the online review debate and introduces a self-published author who has spent five years exploring the Amazon review subculture from within. Like any indie author, a great review makes my day and a duff one deflates me in a flash.

If you are an ALLI member and you would like to make your own #TBT selection, please contact [email protected]

Author: Karen Lotter

Writer, photographer, workaholic info-junkie, Wordpress fan, blogger, aging geek, toyi-toying optimist, social media trainer, web writer. www.ethekwiniweb.co.za


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