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Throwback Thursday At ALLi – #TBT #3

Throwback Thursday at ALLi – #TBT #3

Throwback Thursday logoWelcome to Throwback Thursday at ALLi, where we turn back the clock to highlight some of the great posts on this Blog.

Most are still totally relevant, others a bit dated, but that is part of the fun. We have so much great content to share that we don’t want to overwhelm you, so we will do it four posts at a time #humblebrag.

Today this blog's Commissioning Editor Debbie Young picks four of her favourite posts from our Writing strand.



Debbie Young getting back to basics – WRITING!

One of the great joys of editing this blog is the variety of topics that we cover on every aspect of self-publishing and indie authors' interests, but I have a special affection for the Thursday slot reserved for posts about writing craft. This is after all the starting point for what we all do. Writing is the common thread that binds indie authors together, whatever genre they choose to write in. So I'm delighted to highlight for today's #ThrowbackThursday some of my favourite posts about our writing craft.



It's Fiction, People! A Novelist's View on Reactions to Writing – by Francis Guenette

The author Francis Guenette

Francis Guenette

Despite the clear signposting on the copyright page of fiction books, many readers still try to spot real life in novels, and if they know the author, to spot themselves or people they know. Here's a bemused and good-humoured reaction to their response by Canadian novelist Francis Guenette, whose excellent novels Disappearing in Plain Sight and The Light Never Lies I've greatly enjoyed since reading her post.

New Literary Forms for Self-Publishers – by Orna Ross

drawing of someone writing on a cellphone with a quill pen

Cellphone novel, anyone?

Though I'm currently tackling my first NaNoWriMo novel writing project, I love to write short fiction, from tiny flash fictions to longer short stories of 3-4,000 words, I'm very excited about the growing vogue for moving away from traditional industry standard word counts for novels. In this post Orna talks about the demand for other formats that is being fuelled by modern technology.

The Challenge of Writing an Opening Line of Staggering Genius – by Kathryn Guare

Photo of the self-published author Kathryn Guare

Kathryn Guare

I knew this was going to be a great post from the moment Kathryn Guare suggested the title to me.

Fascinating, fun and reassuring reading, and some great conversations in the many comments that the post stimulated – and it's never too late to join the conversation!



Why Do We Write What We Do? The Compulsion of a Story – by Philippa Rees

Photo of Yucatan Beach

On Yucatan Beach

Homing in on the very start of the process, novelist and poet Philippa Rees shares an extraordinary story of what inspired her novel A Shadow in Yucatan, an experience that still haunts her decades later. I'm now planning an occasional series of posts on inspiration.





Twitter bird outlineEASY TWEET Top posts on #Writing Craft for #ThrowbackThursday from @IndieAuthorALLi chosen by @DebbieYoungBN: https://selfpublishingadvice.org/tbt3/




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