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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Roxanne Bland

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Roxanne Bland. Mixed-Genre Author Defies Tropes in Far-Out Stories About Real-World Issues

My ALLi author guest this episode is Roxanne Bland, a mixed-genre author who admits that her books are not for everyone. But if you're interested in stories that throw away all the old tropes and surprise you with elements of fantasy, science fiction, and romance, then you might want to check out her work. Not only that, but Roxanne writes with one eye on real-world problems such as bigotry.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Darby Harn

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: Darby Harn. Sci-Fi Writer and Podcaster Overcomes Struggles With Autism to Find Success

My ALLi author guest this episode is Darby Harn, a science fiction writer whose work Publishers Weekly called an “entertaining debut that uses superpowers as a metaphor to delve into class politics in an alternate America.” He also cohosts a pop culture podcast. It has been a long road for Darby to get where he is while also struggling with autism.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview: EJ Fisch

Inspirational Indie Author Interview: EJ Fisch. Sci-Fi Writer Adds Thriller and Mystery to the Mix and Earns Devoted Fans

My ALLi author guest this episode is EJ Fisch, a science-fiction author who spent fifteen years working on a series that merges sci-fi with mystery and thriller in a combination that has earned her devoted fans. Her writing journey began with role-playing games, then she transferred those stories to self-published books, which she also designs herself.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Keith A Pearson

Inspirational Indie Author Interview. Keith A Pearson: He Wrote His First Book on a Bar Bet, Then Readers Wanted More

My ALLi author guest this episode is Keith A Pearson, who grew up in economically disadvantaged conditions in England, left school when he was sixteen, and developed a work ethic as he advanced in his career. That work ethic came in handy when he transitioned to full-time author. It was a very unlikely new career choice for Keith, who did not exactly surround himself with the literati. In fact, he wrote his first book on a bar bet with a friend. I'll let Keith A Pearson tell the rest of his story.
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Inspirational Indie Author Interview. M. K. Williams

Inspirational Indie Author Interview. M. K. Williams: Initially Rebuffed by Author, She Now Coaches Others on Self-Publishing

My ALLi author guest this episode is M. K. Williams, an indie author who got some rather dispiriting advice from a fellow author early in her career. She was told that she shouldn't bother. What could she possibly have to say? Turns out, she not only had a lot to say as an author but also as a coach for other indie authors. Today, she has different advice for anybody who wants to become a self-published author.
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Alice McVeigh

Author Interview with Alice McVeigh: Hearing a Symphony in Every Word — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My ALLi author guest this week is Alice McVeigh, who also goes by the pen name Spaulding Taylor when she writes science fiction. But those two names are only two aspects of a multidimensional talent. She's a ghostwriter, an editor, and a performer whose voice has peaks and valleys, like that of a musician. In fact the music you hear right now, is Alice McVeigh playing the cello. I'll let Alice begin to talk about her journey.
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Tim Lewis

Author Interview with Tim Lewis: #IndieAuthorChat Host Hates to See Writers Ripped Off — Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My ALLi author guest this week is Tim Lewis, who many of you might know as the host of the ALLi-sponsored #IndieAuthorChat on Twitter. What you may not know is that he's the author of time travel and fantasy stories, works on software to make people more productive, hates to see indie authors get ripped off, and he first became a self-published author more than a decade ago after tragedy struck in his life. But I'll let Tim Lewis tell the story.
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Cody Sisco

Interview With Cody Sisco — To Live and Write in LA: Inspirational Indie Authors Podcast

My guest this week is speculative fiction author Cody Sisco. Cody has divided his indie publishing work into two parts. His series of books that straddles the divide between plausible and extraordinary, and his work on behalf of other indie authors in his hometown of Los Angeles. Taken together, Cody lives and breathes the indie publishing spirit. 
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Inspirational Indie Authors: Maggie Lynch on Women in Science Fiction

The latest inspirational indie author interview is with Maggie Lynch who writes science fiction for and about women. Like many awkward, nerdy boys, I grew up reading a lot of science fiction. This was in the 1970s, so I read all the classic. And for the most part, they were very male-centric. Space, it seemed, was a very male-dominated place. That bleak future for women is changing now, although not without some backlash.
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